The Twenties Woman (Pages 440-443)
Vocabulary Flapper: They were young women who wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to the new Jazz music, wearing a lot of Make-up, Drinking, Smoking and drove classy automobiles. Petting Parties: Parties that let teens and young adults hug and kiss.
Main Idea Women in the twenties wanted equal right as the men. So they started Smoking and drinking in public. They embraced a new fashion and clipped their hairs into boyish bobs and went to Petting Parties. They also started talking about sex in public. A doubled standard (granting sexual freedom to men more than women) required women to be more behaved than the mans. Women were pulled back and forth between the old and the new standard.
TimeLine 1920: The 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution gives women the right to vote. 1923: The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is first introduced to Congress. 1928: Women compete for the first time in Olympic field events.
Details In the 1920s a new woman was born. This new woman smoked, drank, danced, voted, cut her hair, wore make-up, and went to petting parties and called her self “Flapper”. They started becoming more like the men so that they can have equal rights as the men. It was the Jazz Age and one of the most popular past-times for flappers was dancing. The woman got the right to vote.
References Rosenberg, J. (n.d.). Flappers in the Roaring Twenties. Retrieved December 4, 2008 from 20th Century History website: Danzer, G., Klor de Alva J,. Krieger, L., Wilson, L. & Woloch,N. (2003). The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st century. Evanston: IL: McDougal-Littell.