Geo data at WFP UNGIWG Plenary 2011
WFP SDI main Objectives: Re-use geographic dataset On-line and off-line access to geographic resources (vector & raster) Data content normalization (object, names, etc.) semantic interoperability Sharing relevant information amongst WFP and within humanitarian community syntactic interoperability Grant data reliability and integrity
SDI development areas: Geo-Database Technology System/users governance Network infrastructure Integrity & quality control Future developments
Available geo-databases: Geographic features Boundaries, Coastlines, Settlements, Elevation, Contour, Depthline, Lakes, Rivers, Canals, Basins, SDWB (Derived Water Body), Anthropic Feature, Built Up Area, Populated Places, Powerlines...
Available geo-databases: Geographic features Transportation features Road Network, Railway Network, Waterways, Bridges, Airdromes, Airport, Ports, Entry Points, Obstacles, Bridges, Pumping Station..
Available geo-databases: Geographic features Transportation features WFP themes WFP Offices, Sub Offices, Liaison Offices, Number of Staff, Staff Presence, Security, Food Stocks, Assets, …
Population, Land Cover, Irrigated Areas.. Available geo-databases: Geographic features Transportation features WFP themes Sectoral themes Population, Land Cover, Irrigated Areas..
Available geo-databases: Geographic features Transportation features WFP themes Sectoral themes Work in progress: Emergency Food vulnerability ….
Remote Sensing: Develop internal capacity through ITHACA Monitor food security at global and country level Contribute to and be part of the European Emergency Services
Emerging areas: Food Cluster Security Climate Change Programme Business continuity Emergency Preparedness and Response support to Nat. Gov. P.I. …..
Technologies: Open Source based visualization tools Device independent data access Field data capture
Giorgio Sartori Emergency Information Management Senior Adviser ODEP, World Food Programme Via Cesare Giulio Viola 68-70, Parco de' Medici, 00148 Roma, Italia Tel +39 06 6513 2743 Cel +39 340 052 6480 Fax +39 06 6513 2962