Middle School Central PLT October 14, 2015
Welcome and Introductions Regional PLT Check-in
ASW Briefs ASW Button on WCPSSL wiki Check out 2015-2016 Implementation link Validate courses: October 9-15 Class selection: October 16-23 Objective selection: October 26-30 Online modules – review narrated powerpoints and google folders with examples Screencasts – directions for navigating through NCEES
ASW Briefs Course Codes – Suggested Codes (can’t make changes) Exploratory 12752Y0 11402Y0 11202Y1 11412Y0 (give HS credit) Objective Selection Find course codes Access Clarifying Objectives by Course Outcomes document (on wlwiki – standards button)
Cubism Work with a group What would you do with the cubes? Share ideas on Google doc.
Announcements Tutor List Toolbox starts on October 20 – Leesville HS @4:15 Next meeting: January 6, April 13 Topics for Future Meetings – Share ideas on Google doc. (see agenda on wiki for link)