Summary and Analysis of DCS’ Annual Report (2013/14) Mpho Mathabathe: Researcher Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services
Introduction The purpose of this presentation is to assist the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services on its oversight over the Annual Report of DCS The presentation will identify technical problems with the Annual Report Summarize and analyze the extent to which DCS achieved its targets set for 2013/14 per programme and identify some concerns and raise questions around the performance of the Department Look at the financial performance of the Department.
Technical Aspect Issues of concern: A total of 50% of indicators were not well defined (AG report) Some targets were not specific enough making it difficult to be measured (pg 39: Business Process Re-engineering Project VS 99% Completed ) Some targets, especially in relation to rehabilitation programme, were found to be materially misstated (AG report) Lack of consistency in population figures of offenders for 2013/14. pg9 (157 170) Vs p27 (148 210) vs (JICS p37:154 648)
Key Successes Key successes experienced during 2013/14 include: Increase in the number of full time schools from 1 in 2009 to 13 in 2013 Decrease in under-spending from R386 million (in 2012/13) to R48 million (in 2013/14) Increase in the number of parole cases in which victims made representation from 3.61% (in 2012/13) to 6.86% (in 2013/14).
Key Challenges Key challenges experienced during 2013/14 include: filling of senior positions in the Department remains a challenge. The vacancy rate for senior position stood at 20.9% An increase in the percentage of offenders assaulted in correctional centres from 6 884 (in 2012/13) to 7 370 (in 2013/14) Gang related violence increased from 55.38% (in 2012/13) to 63.3% (in 2013/14 Unnatural deaths increased from 42 (in 2012/13) to 61 (in 2013/14) Escapes increased from 43 (in 2012/13) to 60 (in 2013/14) The number of offenders in correctional centres increased from 150 608 (in 2012/13) to 157 170 (in 2013/14)
Administration Managed to spend R5.1 b (100%) Spending trends Percentage of targets achieved: (total of 9 targets) 40% of planned targets achieved Target for filling vacancies was 97% but only 56.9% achieved 2012/13 2013/14 97.6% 100%
Incarceration Managed to spend R10 b (100%) Spending trends Percentage of targets achieved: (total of 10 targets) 40% of planned targets achieved 2012/13 2013/14 97% 100% Indicator 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Assaults 5 284 6 884 7 370 Escapes 43 50 60 Unnatural death 57 47 61
Rehabilitation Managed to spend R950 m (95.2%) Spending trends Percentage of targets achieved: (total of 8 targets): 70% of targets achieved Target for educational programmes (AET) was 67.2% but only 57.8% achieved. Target for eligible offenders in FET College programmes was 13.4% and 33.90% achieved 2012/13 2013/14 87% 95.2%
Care Managed to spend R1.8 b (100%) of budget allocation Spending trends Percentage of targets achieved: (a total of 5 targets) 100% of planned targets achieved Target for % of inmates tested for HIV was 50% and 68.7% achieved. Target for % of inmates on ARVs was 94% and 95.70 achieved 2012/13 2013/14 96.8% 100%
Social Reintegration Spending trends Managed to spend R751 m(100%) of the budget allocation Spending trends Percentage of targets achieved: (a total of 9 targets)70% of planned targets achieved Target of placement of offenders under Electronic Monitoring was 500 but only 288 offender were tagged. 2012/13 2013/14 90.4% 100%
Financial Information Social Reintegration Financial Information Final appropriation of R 18 748 493 b, but managed to spend R18 700.011(99.7%) An amount of R48 482m was not spent Under-spending trends Period % spent Amount under spent 2011/12 94.6% R893 945 m 2012/13 97.8% R386 729 m 2013/14 99.7% R48 482 m Total R1 329 156 b
Financial Information (Cont..) Facilities Financial Information (Cont..) Fruitless, Wasteful and Irregular Expenditure R1.2 m in fruitless and wasteful expenditure (2013/14) This is as a result of, amongst others: R709 000 incorrect payment to suppliers R278 000 cancellation of 100 years celebration
Financial Information (Cont..) Prison Labour Financial Information (Cont..) Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure trends Irregular Expenditure R43 m in Irregular expenditure for 2013/14 All cases are under investigations. 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 R71 311 m R1 634 m R1 162 m
End, Thank You