Senior field umpires charter 2019
Arrive early and arrive prepared, positive and professional. Familiarize yourself with the ground, players and tactics Correct uniform Warm up and hydrate Umpire Plan Pre-game
Umpire Plan ¼ time, ½ time, ¾ time Positive encouragement with the whole team. Discuss best players and any issues or concerns that arise with the whole team.
Umpire Plan Post match 360 feedback All paperwork completed as a group Group stretches Be social and approachable. Focus on good recovery
Training Umpire Plan Enthusiastically participate in an disciplined and inclusive manner. Attend weekly coaching sessions Keep it fun
Teamwork Respect Accountability Commitment Supportive Umpire Plan Top Values = TRACS Umpire Plan Teamwork Respect Accountability Commitment Supportive
Game Plan Prepare well Protect the ball player Clear and obvious frees Teamwork – Be a team player Have fun - enjoy