E.O. Smith High School is known across the region for our student-centered community, challenging curriculum, and talented faculty, as well as a robust array of clubs, athletics, and artistic activities. Together, these efforts position our graduates for success in all of life's pursuits.
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Course Catalogue
Concurrent Enrollment Courses UCONN Courses Fundamentals of Horticulture (HORT 1110) Floral Art (HORT 2520) Biology (BIOL 1107) Biology (BIOL 1108) Biotechnology-Science Applications (PLSC 3230) Calculus-Based Physics (PHYS 1401 and 1402) Physics (PHYS 1201Q and 1202Q) English (ENGL 1010) German 5 (GERM 3233 and 3255) Latin 4 (CAMS 3102) Latin 5 (CAMS 3102) French 5 (FREN 3267 and 3268) Spanish 5 (SPAN 3178 and 3179) Principles of Microeconomics (ECON 1201) Principles of Macroeconomics (ECON 1202) World Civilizations (HIST 1300) Modern European History (HIST 1400) US History (HIST 1501 and 1502) Individual & Family Development (HDFS 1070) Latin America Studies (LAMS 1190) Discrete Math (MATH 1030Q) Elementary Concepts of Statistics (UC STAT 1100Q) Calculus (MATH 1131Q and 1132Q) Multivariate Calculus (MATH 2110) Differential Equations (MATH 2210) ECSU Courses Calculus A (MAT 243) College Algebra Discrete Mathematics (MAT135P) Human Anatomy & Physiology (BIO 202/203) Math for Liberal Arts (MAT 135) MCC Courses Accounting 1A (MCC ACC 115) Human Anatomy & Physiology (MCC BIO 115) Intro to Criminal Justice (MCC CJS 101) Video Productions 1 & 2 (MCC COM 240) Child Development (MCC ECE 101) Allied Health (MCC HLT 103) Tech-Prep Culinary Arts (MCC HSP 101) Statistics (MCC MAT 109) Algebra 3 and Trigonometry (MCC MAT 138) English 12A (MCC ENGL 101) Personal Finance (MCC BSN 101) Advanced Placement Courses (AP) AP Chemistry AP French AP Computer Science AP German AP Statistics AP Spanish AP Studio Art AP Psychology
ECE participation E.O. Smith High School was listed with the 4th largest enrollment in CT (250 students), behind NFA (364), Manchester (264), and Glastonbury (251). E.O. Smith High School is 1st in CT with 21% enrollment, ahead of Manchester at 17%, NFA at 16%, and Glastonbury at 12%. Dollar value of UConn credits earned by EOS students = $2.9 million
Mathematics Courses Advanced Pre-Calculus Advanced Calculus Algebra 1 & 2 Geometry Pre-Calculus Calculus AP Statistics Technical Algebra 2 Trigonometry & Discrete Mathematics Discrete Mathematics Statistics College Algebra & Discrete Mathematics SAT Math Prep Introduction to Computer Science AP Computer Science https://youtu.be/bwlEcVLswQU Department Chair: Deborah Veronneau Email Address: DVERONNEAU@EOSmith.org
English Courses English 9A/B: Survey of Literature and Composition English 10A/B: American Literature and Composition English 11A/B: British Literature and Composition English 12B: World Literature Composition English 12A/MCC English 101: Composition UCONN ECE AD English 1101: Seminar in Academic Writing. Creative Writing Workshop: elective open to grades 9 – 12 Drama: Writing and Performance elective open to grades 9 – 12 https://youtu.be/b4Ws4EgPJ8U Department Chair: Denise Abercrombie Email Address: DABERCROMBIE@EOSmith.org
Social Studies Courses Contemporary Issues Criminal Justice Economics Genocide Geography Human Behavior Latin American Studies Modern European History Non-Western Civilization Politics AP Psychology United States History Western Civilization https://youtu.be/9cW2G5bsCSA Department Chair: Megan Magner Email Address: MMagner@EOSmith.org
Science Courses Allied Health Anatomy & Physiology (AD, A and B level) Astronomy Biology (AD, A and B level) Biotechnology Chemistry (AP, A and B level) Environmental Science Genetics Geology Intro to Physical Science (A and B level) Meteorology Microbiology Oceanography Physics (AD, A and B level) https://youtu.be/vyFOe4cZwqc Department Chair: Diane Hannon Email Address: DHANNON@EOSmith.org
World Languages Courses German 1, 2, 3, AP German 4A, ECE German 5 Latin 1, 2, 3A, 3B, AP/ECE Latin 4, ECE Latin 5 French 1, 2, 3A/3B, AP French 4, 5 ECE French 5 Spanish 1, 2, 3A/3B, AP Spanish 4, Spanish 4A, ECE Spanish 5 Spanish for Health and Business https://youtu.be/gzcqQy5RWV4 Department Chair: Sarah Smith Email Address: SSMITH@EOSmith.org
Fine Arts Courses Art Foundations Ceramics Chorus Computer Art Drawing Ensembles Guitar Jewelry Painting Piano AP Studio Art Music Theory Music Technology Studio Maintenance https://youtu.be/xDZs7BWg-sM Department Chair: Scott Chaurette Email Address: SCHAURETTE@EOSmith.org
Health & Physical Education Courses 9th grade Physical Education Grade 10-12 options: Adventure PE Aerobic dance Circuit training/kickboxing Health and Wellness Lifetime fitness (golf, archery etc…) Personal Wellness Principles of Physical Education Principles of Unified PE Public Health and Safety Sports Performance Team Sports Ultimate Frisbee/Racquet sports Unified PE Yoga https://youtu.be/EIFEKCeTx2c Department Chair: Earl Henrichon Email Address: EHENRICHON@EOSmith.org
Depot Campus Courses Business Education Family & Consumer Science Technical Education Cooperative Education/Work-Study Tech Prep Programs https://youtu.be/-BisvUuoW9A Department Chair: William Green Email Address: WGREEN@EOSmith.org
Agriculture & Technology Center Courses Agricultural Engineering Animal Science Natural Resources Plant Science Turf & Landscape Management https://youtu.be/UxFzpq5v_Ps Department Chair: James Pomeroy Email Address: JPOMEROY@EOSmith.org
Career & Technical Education Courses Aerospace Engineering Digital Foundations Fashion Macroeconomics Marketing Sports Finance Starting Your Own Business Video Graphic Production Video News Productions Wood Working https://youtu.be/EXHG4A7aBVo Department Chair: Brendan Walsh Email Address: BWALSH@EOSmith.org
Athletics Sport Season Level Baseball Spring (F, JV, V) Basketball Boys/Girls Winter (F, JV, V) Crew Spring (Novice, V) Cross country Boys/Girls Fall (V) Field Hockey Girls Fall (F, JV, V) Football Fall (F, JV, V) Golf Spring (JV, V) Ice Hockey Boys Winter (JV, V) Indoor Track Boys/Girls Winter (V) Lacrosse Boys/Girls Spring (JV) Outdoor Track Boys/Girls Spring (V) Soccer Boys/Girls Fall (F, JV, V) Softball Spring (F, JV, V) Swimming and Diving Girls Fall (V) Swimming and Diving Boys Winter (V) Tennis Boys/Girls Spring (JV, V) Volleyball Girls Fall (F, JV, V) Wrestling Winter (JV, V)
Co-curricular Academic Quiz Bowl Amnesty International Anime Club Anti-Bullying Club Art Club Best Buddies Blood Drive Board Game Club Book Club Choral Ensembles Class Advisors Connecticut YOUTH Forum Dance Team Debate Team DECA Drama Club Drumline FFA Gay Straight Alliance Horticulture Club Instrumental Ensembles Latin Club Leo Club Marvel/DC Comics Club Math Team Model UN MU Alpha Theta (Math National Honors Society) Multicultural Club National Honor Society Panther Pride Peer Natural Helpers Poetry Club First Robotics Team VEX Robotics Team Science Club Scuba Club Ski and Snowboard Club Spanish Exchange Theatre U.N. Girl Up Club World Language National Honor Society Yearbook
Resources People Places and Things Counselors Social Workers School Psychologist Teachers Nurses Coaches/Advisors Administrators Peers Places and Things Tutorial Centers (Math, NHS, WLNHS) Writing Center Academic Study Center Guidance Matters SAT Preparation
Parent and Student Resources
Communication Email and Text notifications Website: www.eosmith.org Student information: PowerSchool Facebook: EOSmithHighSchool Guidance blog: Guidance Matters Twitter: @EOSmithHS
Contacts Jill Krieger Superintendent jkrieger@eosmith.org Lou DeLoreto Principal ldeloreto@eosmith.org Doug Melody Dir. of Guidance dmelody@eosmith.org Karyn Zlotnick Social Worker kzlotnick@eosmith.org Shannon Cartier Social Worker scartier@eosmith.org Steve Bayne Special Services Dir. sbayne@eosmith.org Karen Paruolo Assistant Principal kparuolo@eosmith.org