1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Square 1 What is 16 to the nearest 10?
Square 2 What is 27 to the nearest 10?
Square 3 What is 34 to the nearest 10?
Square 4 What is 45 to the nearest 10?
Square 5 What is 79 to the nearest 10?
Square 6 What is 6 to the nearest 10?
Square 7 What is 132 to the nearest 10?
Square 8 What is 368 to the nearest 10?
Square 9 What is 101 to the nearest 10?
Square 10 What is 296 to the nearest 10?
Square 11 What is 231 to the nearest 100?
Square 12 What is 97 to the nearest 100?
Answer 1 20
Answer 2 30
Answer 3 30
Answer 4 50
Answer 5 80
Answer 6 10
Answer 7 130
Answer 8 370
Answer 9 100
Answer 10 300
Answer 11 200
Answer 12 100