Drive to Survive You are about to see an example of absolutely reckless driver behaviour. Look at the scene and think about how you would react if this happened close to you. How will you “DEFEND” yourself and your passengers against this “other road user”? DEFENSIVE DRIVING: essential to SURVIVE
Overtaking at High Speed on a narrow road
There is another car just in front of the 4WD
He decides to pull back in between the 2 cars
He is now in between the 2 cars But going much faster 4WD brakes!
He decides to overtake on the right !!
He has managed it ! Very lucky this time!!
Now we understand why he had to get off the left hand side !!!
What happened ??: Nothing, this time ! What could have happened ??: 3-4 cars piled up in a high speed accident Several people injured or killed Can you change the other driver’s behaviour ??: NO Do not try it Avoid him What can you do to avoid an accident ??: Drive defensively Keep distance Be prepared for the unexpected DRIVE to SURVIVE