Future Intern Recruiting Presentation By: Nealee Connor Class of 2011
Site Contact Information Texas A&M Athletic Department Reed Arena 3 rd Floor 730 Olsen Blvd. College Station, TX Department of Event Management and Game Operations Mike Caruso Associate Athletic Director-Events & Game Operations Steve Miller Director of Events Erin Willert Assistant Director of Athletic Events
Site Ranking I could have not imagined a more valuable experience than the one I received by interning with the Texas A&M Athletic Department. I was able to be apart of; Hard Hats for Little Heads, 2011 NCAA Indoor Track & Field Championship, 2011 Big 12 Equestrian Championship, Womens Basketball National Champions Welcome Home Celebration and 2011 NCAA Womens Golf Championship. I was presented the opportunity to be apart of all facets of these events from beginning to end. My internship overall was educational, motivating and challenging.
2011 Texas A&M Tennis
2011 NCAA Indoor Track & Field Championship
2011 Big 12 Equestrian Championship
Words of Wisdom Establish a mentor relationship with a co-worker you admire Give 100%, no matter how small the task may be Solve the answer to a problem before asking your supervisor Meet and sustain a relationship with your co-workers and partnering organizations Make a strong impression Be flexible and open to all opportunities
Internship Objectives Direct and supervise tennis game day event operations including; ticketing, ushering, crowd control, security, parking, visiting team, and announcers Coordinate and plan hospitality for the 2011 NCAA Indoor Track and Field Championship Assist in organizing awards and administering awards ceremony for 2011 NCAA Indoor Track Championship Administer and coordinate hospitality and volunteers for the Big 12 Equestrian Championship Plan and oversee an ice cream social for Equestrian Draw Day
Daily Activities Listen to voic s for three employees and forward them via Answer three phone lines and filter calls Design, cut, stamp on signature and distribute parking placards Laminate, cut and distribute credentials and name badges Fax samples of parking placards and credentials to transportation services Scan receipts to the business office and the card owner Order food for event staff Occasionally deliver and set up food for event staff at home sporting events Organize and assemble binders for individual events for my supervisors Stock all athletic press boxes with water, plates, napkins, utensils, cups, and coffee supplies Prepare and organize for tennis matches Make separate timesheet binders for event staff to record their hours Order office supplies Create labels for binders and organizational purposes Proof, edit, and format championship participant manuals
Project Description 2011 NCAA Indoor Track & Field Championship Coordinated and planned hospitality for event staff, media, athletic trainers Provided breakfast, lunch, and dinner both days for 350 people Planned for timely arrival of food in relation to track meet schedule Coordinated with custodial to clean hospitality room after each meal Created credentials and credential board for hospitality room Positioned an usher at hospitality entrance to check credentials Managed four volunteers Assisted in organizing awards and administering award ceremony 2011 Big 12 Equestrian Championship Oversaw and coordinated hospitality for event staff, athletes, coaches, officials, and athletic trainers Purchased all food and supplies for hospitality room Planned and administered an ice cream social with Spoons Yogurt for the Draw Day Managed 8 volunteers Assisted operations, marketing and Junior Aggie Club Created schedule cards for event staff to wear Directed and addressed the visiting teams and fans concerns and questions
Best Regards, Nealee Connor 11 Thanks & Gig Em! Good Luck!