Study of Hb`b, c`c and gg in the `H channel


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Presentation transcript:

Study of Hb`b, c`c and gg in the `H channel Jianping Dai (SJTU) 07/07/2015

Physics Motivation To measure the BR of Higgs decay to b, c and gluon in the process of ee−Z(`)H at 250GeV; The BR of Z(`)H is twice as large as the BR of Z(l`l)H;

MC Samples and Cross Sections (fb) `qq backgrounds l`lqq backgrounds l`qq backgrounds

MC Samples and Cross Sections (fb) ZH background: HWW*, ZZ*… l`ll`l backgrounds All the samples are from the full simulation; The signal sample is reconstructed with the newest Arbor, but the backgrounds samples are also used old Arbor; All the signal and backgrounds are normalized to 5ab-1; Because of the lack of the sample, the qq background isn’t considered now;

MC Samples and Cross Sections

ILC: 80<Mmiss<140 GeV/c2; Missing mass of di-jet ILC: 80<Mmiss<140 GeV/c2;

ILC: 20<PT<70 GeV/c;

PL ILC: |PL|<60 GeV/c;

ILC: Pmax(Trk)<30 GeV/c;

NChaTrk ILC: NChaTrk>10;

Y23 ILC: Y23<0.02;

Y12 ILC: 0.2<Y12<0.8;

ILC: 100<Mgg<130 GeV/c2; Invariant mass of di-jet ILC: 100<Mgg<130 GeV/c2;

Cut Flows Signal `qq lqq Total Events 167948 1405103 16725057 80<Mmiss<140 GeV/c2 147079/0.876 1074840/0.765 4101130/0.245 20<PT<70 GeV/c 134006/0.911 745774/0.694 289580/0.706 |PL|<60 GeV/c 132133/0.986 430203/0.577 2310270/0.798 Pmax(Trk)<30 GeV/c 121688/0.921 347736/0.808 1036760/0.449 NChaTrk>10 121325/0.997 334481/0.962 991871/0.957 Y23<0.02 87895/0.724 260593/0.779 224339/0.226 0.2<Y12<0.8 84148/0.957 194766/0.747 183074/0.816 100<Mgg<130 GeV/c2 74502/0.885 20128/0.103 69059/0.377  0.4436 0.01432 0.004129

Cut Flows `H l`lqq llll Total Events 75073 2601000 1079184 80<Mmiss<140 GeV/c2 40996/0.546 349332/0.134 65730/0.0609 20<PT<70 GeV/c 36094/0.880 76212/0.218 467/0.00710 |PL|<60 GeV/c 34896/0.967 68096/0.894 325/0.696 Pmax(Trk)<30 GeV/c 26256/0.752 37516/0.551 4/0.0123 NChaTrk>10 25760/0.981 36481/0.972 0/0.0 Y23<0.02 4033/0.157 6093/0.167 0.2<Y12<0.8 3785/0.939 5451/0.895 100<Mgg<130 GeV/c2 2405/0.635 3136/0.575  0.03204 0.001206 0.0

ILC results (1207.0300v2)

If selecting a least lepton (electron or muon), the initial events after passing FSClasser is about 25000, the efficiency will be reduced nearly by 85%;
