Short Story: Satire (Gogol, Twain, etc.)
Ridicules/mocks its subject to lower it in reader’s esteem Satire Ridicules/mocks its subject to lower it in reader’s esteem Blends humor, wit, ridicule, spite and irony with a censorious/corrective tone, to inspect human institutions, practices, or foibles and imply improvements/corrections for them (but does not moralize, as do fable, allegory, etc.) Sometimes calls for destruction of foolish/inhuman practices, ideas, institutions, etc. Deals less with “sinners” and criminals than does fools, foolish institutions or practices, frauds, etc. Not malicious in intent (invective, sarcasm, etc.)
FORMAL (direct) satire Directly attacks a specific person, character, or institution (often by name) can be gentle, sympathetic; aims to correct through broad laughter biting, bitter, and angry; points with contempt to corrupt individuals or organizations/institutions or mix of both INDIRECT satire (most frequent kind) Uses characters (not always representative) who look foolish on their own because of their words/deeds “pass[es] over a single foe to charge whole armies” (Addison, Spectator #16, March 19, 1711)
SATIRE OBEYS ALL OR NONE OF THESE RULES, AT ITS OWN WHIM Like pornography (for Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, at least1), you might not be able to define it or pin it to one definition, but “[you] know it when [you] see it.” 1 Jacobelius Vs. Ohio, 378 U.S. 184 (1964), amendation mine.