WLCG Status – 1 Use remains consistently high 1 M jobs/day; 100k CPU-days/day Tier 2s heavily used wrt Tier 1s at the moment E.g distribution of CPU used 1 M jobs/day LHCb CMS Large numbers of analysis users E.g. From CMS ~500, ATLAS ~1000, LHCb/ALICE ~200
Job workloads CMS: 100k jobs per day; Red: analysis LHCb ATLAS: analysis jobs ALICE: 60 sites, ~20K jobs running in parallel
Data transfers Data transfers at rates anticipated 24x24 500MB/s 48x48 Traffic on OPN up to 70 Gb/s! - ATLAS reprocessing campaigns 48x48 800MB/s ATLAS Throughput CMS saw effect of going from 24x24 to 48x48 bunches