Morality has to do with the way we live our lives Morality has to do with the way we live our lives. It is about what is RIGHT and WRONG, GOOD and BAD
Morality helps us to judge the difference between right and wrong Morality helps us to judge the difference between right and wrong. It can tell us for example that: Honesty is right and stealing is wrong b) Caring is right and angry outbursts are wrong c) Truthfulness is right and cheating is wrong
Morality guides our actions Morality guides our actions. Once we know the difference between right and wrong, we can do what is right and avoid doing what is wrong. As human beings we are able to think about our behaviour. We can decide what to say and what to do in any given situation. From a moral point of view, we can either act in a way that we know is right, or we can act in a way that we know to be wrong.
Divide the statements into two categories: When the word being used (wrong, good, bad) in a moral sense When The word is being used in a non-moral sense Their take-out pizza is really good There is a bad bend in the road It is wrong to tell lies. It is good to have a warm-up before a match Mahatma Gandhi was a good man It is right to give to charity She got all the answers right It is bad to call them names like that If someone is hurt, it is right to help them It is good to have a hobby
A MORAL person is someone who knows the difference between right and wrong and chooses to do what is right. An IMMORAL person is someone who knows the difference between right and wrong and chooses to do what is wrong. An AMORAL person is someone who has no regard for any standards of right or wrong, and just does what he/she likes.
INFLUECE We all have certain ideas about right and wrong behaviour. However, we do not reach these conclusions entirely on our own. Our morality, our sense of right and wrong is influenced by a number of factors. Where does our morality come from? Who influences what we believe, about what is right and wrong, good and bad, in human action?
Our family Our peers and what matters to them The type of society in which we live The education we receive He religion to which we belong The media, in its many forms