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NCAA Bylaw 11
Coaching Limitations
PersonnelYesNo Head Coach All Coaching Duties Volunteer Coach Receive A maximum of 2 complimentary tickets to home contest in coachs sport Contacting/Evaluating PSAs off campus Scouting Opponents off campus Recruiting Coordination functions Non Coaching Staff (Director of operations) Participate in organized activity involving coaching staff Administrative duties Observe practice Sit on an institutions bench or coaches box Participate in instructional activities with SAs Observing SAs engaged voluntary athletically related activity Participating in on-court or on-field activities Managers Participate in limited on- court or on-field activities during practice Providing instruction to student-athletes Participate in countable athletically related activities
Counting Days During defined championship or nonchampionship segment, each day counts excluding: Required days off (1 day per week) Official vacation, holiday and final-exam periods when no practice or competition occurs This does not apply to basketball or football. Baseball and softball are not affected by this during their nonchampionship segment.
Counting Days Example When two days are given off (free of any countable athletically related activities) in one week during a championship or nonchampionship segment, one of the days will still count towards the teams playing season. If Golf provided two days off during either their nonchampionship or championship segment, six of the seven days would still count towards the 144-day maximum.
Practice Logs Use Daily Activity Codes (W, P, G, M) Use time of day (Noon – 2pm P, 2pm – 4pm W) Designate a responsible S/A to sign the practice logs each month. S/A must sign in the compliance office. Turn in to the compliance office ASAP – without S/A signature! Reminder- Last practice day for out-of-season sports is Friday December 6 th, one week before the start of finals!
NCAA Bylaw 12
Promotional Requests Student-athletes are not eligible if they permit their name/likeness/picture to advertise, promote, or recommend a commercial product or service. Do not ignore a request. Have the entity fill out the appropriate form.
Promotional Requests
NCAA Bylaw 13
Official Visits Transportation We can pay for the PSAs flight All sports except MBB & WBB, we cannot pay for the parents flight. We cannot reimburse parents for flight. Give credit card info to Jen Burns. We can transport a PSA off campus for meals, game, etc in coaches car. We cannot transport PSA in team travel bus/van.
Official Visits Meals/Money Please mark when/who used coupons and return unused. Host money – do not use credit cards! $40 per day – do not go over! Must fill out cash advance.
Official & Unofficial Visits Remember the risks of mixing official visits and unofficial visits! Transportation, meals, payment, etc. Complimentary Tickets A PSA must sign for complimentary tickets before their 2 guests sign and are allowed in the game. Cant pay for parents hotel if the PSA arrives too late to start the visit. At the completion of the 48 hour visit, the PSA must depart campus immediately, otherwise we cannot pay for expenses incurred by the PSA, including the cost of their transportation home.
Winter/Spring Sports Compliance Meeting Tuesday, August 27 th 7:00-9:00pm Villanova Room No mandatory meetings or practice until after the meeting.