Newcastle University Declares a Climate Emergency – How did we get here? May 2019
International / National / Regional Context School Strikes for Climate – Aug’18…Mar’18 IPCC 1.5 degrees report - October ’18 Extinction rebellion protests – Apr 19 By how did we get here I don’t mean lessons in CO2, GH Effect, climate science – I’m assuming that everyone here agrees that there is an emergency! Newcastle City Council Declare a Climate Emergency – Apr’19
University Context Environment & Sustainability Committee ESC Established 2008 Chaired by DVC. Acts as the body carrying out Management Review of our EMS. Membership inc. Academics, Sustainability Team, Services and Students EMS – celebrating 10 years this year. New(ish) VC and DVC – new vision and strategy published October 2018 Strategies including Engagement and Place – including ‘embedding the values and practices of social justice’ across the work of the University. Sustainability - a fundamental strategic enabler BEIS Emissions Reduction Pledge Oct’18
University Context (cont.) Policy review at ESC – agreed that policy wording needed to be updated to reflect the urgency of environmental issues - inc. climate change. Review of Objectives and Targets – including opportunities and risks – inc. focus on carbon – April ‘18 Discussion was about our values and principles – including ‘Visibly Lead’ How to engage the whole institution…