English for Tax Administration IV
General info Lecturer: dr. sc. Marijana Javornik Čubrić Classes: Tuesday 11:30-13:00 (Gundulićeva, III) Office hours: Wednesday 10:30 – 11:30, Room No. 6 Contact: marijana.javornik@pravo.hr
Coursebook M. Javornik Čubrić, English for Tax Professionals, Narodne novine, 2018 Units 10-18
Topics Unit 10 Tax Administration Unit 11 Electronic Commerce Act PART III: TAXES IN THE EUROPEAN UNION Unit 12 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union Unit 13 Economic and Monetary Union and the Euro The Failure of the Euro Unit 14 Taxation in the European Union Unit 15 European Court of Auditors Unit 16 OLAF Unit 17 European Central Bank Unit 18 Double Taxation in the European Union
Course outline Feb. 26 Introduction and revision of the Croatian tax system March 5 The Tax Administration March 12 The Treaty on the Functioning of the EU March 26 Economic and Monetary Union and the Euro April 2 Taxation in the EU April 16 The European Court of Auditors April 23 OLAF April 30 The European Central Bank May 7 Double Taxation in the EU May 14 Revision; sample test May 21 Mid-term examination May 28 Final revision and signatures
Presentations 1-3 students Duration: up to 15 minutes At least two sources (one written) Notes allowed; reading is not Draft to be sent one week in advance Substitute for the oral part of the examination
Suggested topics Changes in the Croatian tax system Croatia in the EU EU today Brexit European Monetary Union Taxation in various European countries (v. taxation in Croatia) Tax havens
Croatian tax system Croatian tax system includes the following taxes: __________ income tax or ____________ tax Personal _________ tax Value-_______ tax Special taxes (________ duties) Real estate _______ tax Levies on the organisation of ____________
Briefly discuss these taxes: Corporate income tax Personal income tax Value-added tax Special taxes (excise duties) Real estate transfer tax Levies on the organisation of games fo chance
VAT Old VAT rates: 0, 10, 23% New VAT rates: ___ Croatia raised VAT for ________ in 2013 when it joined the EU at the start of 2013. Old VAT rates: 0, 10, 23% New VAT rates: ___
Old VAT rates: 0, 10, 23% New VAT rates: 0, 13, 25% Croatia raised VAT for 2% in 2013 when it joined the EU at the start of 2013. Old VAT rates: 0, 10, 23% New VAT rates: 0, 13, 25%
PIT PIT is paid on worldwide income in case of _____________ in Croatia. Two types of taxpayers are: _____________ and __________ PIT is based on the income earned for _________ work, _________ activities and from ___________ rights
PIT is paid on worldwide income in case of tax residency in Croatia. Two types of taxpayers are: residents and non-residents PIT is based on the income earned for paid work, independent activities and from property rights
Excise duties Excise duties are paid on certain products, such as…. What is the purpose of excise duties?
Oil, tobacco products, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, beer, coffee, automobiles and other motor vehicles, vessels and aircraft, luxury products
Real estate transfer tax Taxpayers: Tax base: Tax rate:
Taxpayers: buyers of real property Tax base: market value of the real property Tax rate: 4%
Translate the following terms: Izbjegavanje poreza Utaja poreza Porezna olakšica Oslobođenje od poreza Porezna obveza Porezni propisi
Izbjegavanje poreza – tax avoidance Utaja poreza – tax evasion Porezna olakšica – tax benefit Oslobođenje od poreza Porezna obveza – tax liability Porezni propisi – tax provisions
Translate the following: VAt taxpayer is any legal and natural person (entrepreneur) delivering goods or performing services. Any importer or exporter of goods is also a taxable person.
Thank you for your attention!