Children like to play “Hide and Seek” Fun Innocent
Hide and Sneak Adults like to play “Hide and Sneak” Attempt to hide sin Serious Eternal Consequences
Hide and Sneak Bible Examples Futility Self-examination
Hide and Sneak Bible Examples Adam and Eve – Rebellion, Gen. 3 Violated command, Gen. 3:1-6 Cover up, Gen. 3:7, 8 Discovered, Gen. 3:9-13 Punished, Gen. 2:17; 3:16-24
Hide and Sneak Bible Examples Achan – Covetousness, Joshua 7 Israel repelled & distressed, Josh. 7:1-9 Sin in camp, Josh. 7:10-15 Uncovered, Josh. 7:16-23 Punished, Josh. 7:24-26
Hide and Sneak Bible Examples David – Sexual Immorality, 2 Sam. 11, 12 Adultery, 2 Sam. 11:1-5 Hide by murder, 2 Sam. 11:14-17 Exposed, 2 Sam. 12:1-9 Punished, 2 Sam. 12:10-23
Hide and Sneak Bible Examples Ananias & Sapphira – Self-importance, Acts 5 Lied, Acts 5:1, 2 Revealed, Acts 5:3, 4 Punished, Acts 5:5, 6 Repeat, Acts 5:7-10
Hide and Sneak Futility God sees all, Heb. 4:13; Psa. 139:7-12 At work At home Vacation Car Top of mountain Bottom of sea Moon Mars
Hide and Sneak Futility God sees our hearts, Mt. 5:21-48 Anger, Mt. 5:21-26 Lust, Mt. 5:27-32 Deceit, Mt. 5:33-37 Vengefulness, Mt. 5:38-42 Hate, Mt. 5:43-48
Hide and Sneak Futility Our sins will be exposed, Num. 32:23 Here There, Rev. 20:12
Hide and Sneak Self-examination Do you hide things from others? Drink or dip of tobacco Lusts or language Immodesty or immorality
Hide and Sneak Self-examination Is your conscience bothering you? Know it’s not right Know your example is bad
Hide and Sneak Self-examination Could you see: Jesus, apostles, What if others were doing it? Children Elder, deacon, preacher Could you see: Jesus, apostles, mother, or father doing it?
Hide and Sneak Bible Examples Futility Self-examination
Hide and Sneak Children like to play “Hide and Seek” Fun Innocent
Hide and Sneak Adults like to play “Hide and Sneak” Attempt to hide sin Serious Eternal Consequences