Water Science-Policy Interface (CIS-SPI)


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Presentation transcript:

Water Science-Policy Interface (CIS-SPI) EUROPEAN COMMISSION RESEARCH DIRECTORATE-GENERAL Directorate I – Environment Water Science-Policy Interface (CIS-SPI) Paul Logan (Environment Agency) Ecostat meeting – 31 March 2011

SPI Mandate: 3 Tasks over 2010-2012 Compile feedback from users and future research needs Ensure efficient transfer and uptake of scientific knowledge Task 1 Inventory of research and implementation needs from CIS groups - Inventory of the needs for each CIS WG (based on a questionnaire followed by discussion within or back to back with regular meetings of the WGs) Compilation of the needs from the different WGs Task 2 Available research and research gaps Inventory of available research results relevant to CIS research and implementation needs. Discussion of research gaps on a yearly basis within each CIS Working Group or Activity A list of priority research topics to be communicated to the CIS Strategic Coordination Group once a year, as well as to relevant funding organisations (DG RTD, ERANETs, others) Task 3 Improving transfer and usability of research outputs Organisation of Water Science meets Policy events (possibly linked to a Water ERANET), Compilation of synthesis (2 pages) to translate results from existing RTD projects into “Science-Policy Briefs” (posted on website and CIRCA) Contributing to demonstration of applicability (pilot zones) The activity includes three following tasks Task 1: Inventory of research and implementation needs from CIS groups Each CIS-group makes an inventory of the needs on their field of activity based on their mandates. This can be based on a questionnaire within each WG followed by discussion within or back to back with regular meetings of the WGs. The SPI-group compiles the needs from the different WGs, and ensures that information on existing knowledge is transferred (Task 2), or that gaps are relayed to relevant funding organisations (Task 3). Task 2: Available research and research gaps Inventory of available research results relevant to CIS research and implementation needs. Discussion of research gaps on a yearly basis within each CIS Working Group or Activity A list of priority research topics to be communicated to the CIS Strategic Coordination Group once a year, as well as to relevant funding organisations (DG RTD, ERANETs, others) Task 3: Improving transfer and usability of research outputs Organisation of Water Science meets Policy events (possibly linked to a Water ERANET), Guidance in compilation of synthesis (2 pages) for policy-makers To translate results from existing local/national and EU RTD projects into “Science-Policy Briefs” of relevance to CIS needs To highlight key scientific outputs supporting technical water policy milestones, To be posted on the WFD europa website and CIRCA, and possibly translated in different EU languages to widen taken-up by MS. Contributing to demonstration of applicability : encouraging science-policy networking at most appropriate level (from EU to catchment level). Particular attention is paid to transferring information at the most appropriate timing so that it can be taken up by DG RTD for the yearly programmation of the FP work programme (e.g. in March every year) and similarly for the ERANET

Ongoing activities(1) Research needs discussed at the 1st SPI event (30/09/2010) available through the WFD CIRCA website (under “workshops and conferences”). Report sent to EU and national research programming agencies (ongoing JPI “water challenges”). Panorama of FP6/7 projects relevant to CIS research themes and issues + Ongoing survey of selected projects to identify available knowledge relevant to the CIS research issues On this basis, update of research needs from CIS groups with indication of priorities Nomination of a SPI correspondent in each CIS group

1st Event Round Table Discussions Ecostat Hydromorphology Chemicals Groundwater Socio Economics River Basin Management Extreme events Agriculture Dissemination

Ecostat 1 Research area 1 : Developing and validating new Bioassessment tools 1: To overcome gaps for Transitional and Coastal waters (methods, taxonomy) 2: To overcome gaps for lakes (methods and taxonomy, notably for Mediterranean areas) 3: To analyse more carefully the links between ecotoxicological (individual and population levels) tools and assessment tools based on the structure of communities 4: To investigate the role of spatial scales in the relative sensitivity of assessment tools (e.g. European vs. regional level) 5: To reinforce the knowledge concerning uncertainties 6: To consider risk assessment information to ensure bioassessment results

Ecostat 2 Research area 2 : Refining the knowledge about pressure-impacts relationships 1: To clarify the links between hydromorphological pressures and biological responses 2: To investigate more carefully the consequences of sediment contaminations by chemical pollutants on biological communities (from individuals to populations and communities) 3: In the case of multi-pressure contexts, to develop proxies based on existing knowledge and expertise to facilitate the analysis of pressure-impacts relationships

Ecostat 3 Research area 3 : Evolving toward a more functional and holistic approach of aquatic ecosystems 1: To develop functional assessment tools based on trophic networks to complement tools based on community structure attributes – Assess the links with resilience and stability 2 : To investigate the relationships between metacommunities functioning and ecosystems capacity of resilience (migration, immigration/extinction processes) in both reference and disturbed (e.g. fragmented landscapes, high chemical loads in the sediments) contexts 3 : To clarify the links between global changes (climate, fragmentation, exotics) and ecosystem functioning and assessment tools

Ecostat 4 Research area 4 : Reconnecting the socio-economical and biological issues 1 : To reinforce the knowledge on relationships between Good Ecological Status, Biodiversity (taxonomy, functionalities, genetic aspects) and ecological services (including human health and social well-being) 2 : To clarify the links between Good Ecological Potential and socio-economical aspects

2nd SPI event (29-30 September, Brussels) “Socio-economic tools supporting the WFD implementation: Possible contribution in the perspective of an ecosystem services approach” A two-step process: 2011: gather scientists and front-runner policy makers in order to share a common view on the links between the ecosystem services concept and the WFD 2012: transferring this information and reflexion to managers at basin and local level. It aims to explore how the ecosystem services approach can help highlight benefits (social, economical, environmental) from the WFD and boost political levers for the implementation of the WFD

2nd SPI event: Outline Session 1: Keynote speeches on the use of ecosystem services for the implementation of the WFD Impact of ecological engineering and restoration on both ecological status and the provision of ecosystem services? Ecosystem services as a tool for analysis of water pressures and impacts for future RBMPs and how global change will affect them? What can the ecosystem services approach provide for decision makers in the implementation of WFD? Session 2: Five roundtables based on implementation issues Session 3: Integration and Conclusions Hydro-morphology and hydropower Diffuse pollution and agriculture Quantity management and climate change Wetlands Exotic species Presentation of case studies Analysis of environmental, economic and social issues Key operational tools for WFD implementation Remaining research questions

Links with CIS groups Ensure that policy and management needs are met and priority issues are addressed. Participation of CIS groups experts in the roundtables preparation Help the collection of tangible examples of the use of ecosystem services from Member States

"research correspondent' To ensure the links between the group and relevant research projects To provide to the group a better overview of existing knowledge and most recent research results To identify key scientists in the field of the group To disseminate key deliverables and relevant science-policy briefs to the group To pursue the work on the validation of research needs initiated at the SPI event To organize a dedicated SPI session in the regular CIS group meeting, in which scientists and/or Member States could provide their insights on the current state of the art regarding identified research issues. To participate –on a voluntary basis- in the preparation of the 2nd (and third) science meets policy event DUROT Marie-Perrine (Onema)/Paul Logan (EA) / Yorick Reyjol (Onema)

Harmonisation Activity post CEN meeting in London March 2011 Recent CEN meeting update document Includes recommendations for Annex V 10 in development or review 9 published Zip file of Standards in development/Review (CIRCA) Letter to National Standards bodies published Further discussion next meeting and in October Links with WISER