Leader - Fatima Members - Mati - Loverpreet - Sawer Bullying 03 Leader - Fatima Members - Mati - Loverpreet - Sawer 1C
Topic Question: How urgent is it needed for the school to tackle the problem of bullying in Hong Kong?
Objectives: To understanding What is bullying? To find out : is it serious urgent problem To propose : how to stop bullying
What is Bullying? https://youtu.be/aZGm1w-YH8Q
6 Types of Bullying
Is bullying serious and urgent problem in Hong Kong School? Let’s look at the survey we did in Delia HW school about bullying
Your Secondary Level
During this school year, how often have you seen someone being bullied?
During this school year, how often have you seen someone being bullied? There are 39.4 never been bully sometimes 1 or 2 times a month 30.3 regularly 1 or 2 times a week 10.8 Everyday 10.4 a few time in a year 9.1
During this school year, how often have you Seen someone being bullied
During this school year, how often have you Seen someone being bullied Never 68.5 sometimes 1 or 2 times a month 16.4 regularly 1 or 2 times a week 4.7 everyday 3.4 A few times in a year 6.9
How many kids have bullied you?
How many kids have bullied I haven’t been bullied 65.4 l have been teased and called names 20.6 l have been hit,kicked or pushed 5.3 other leave me out of their group 3.5 other have taken my belongings 2.2 others don’t sit by me or talk to me 1.3 others say they will hurt me 1.3 others try to hurt me on the way to and from school 0.4
Is bullying a serious and urgent problem?
How to solve bullying
School - Teachers
What should parents do about bullying
What should students do about bullying