Superintendent Evaluation 2013-14 Raise Student Achievement Accomplished Not Accomplished Expand collaboration with community partners to increase school readiness among four-year old children. YES (100%) NO (0%) Create and begin use of formative assessments in grade and subject areas in addition to reading and math. Based upon formative data, show progress in decreasing the number of “Failing Schools.” Continue to improve Finance and Business Activities: Develop and begin using Key Performance Indicator Dashboard for business activities. Absent reductions in state, local, or federal funding, sustain the required G.F. reserve YES (100%) Continue to Improve Talent Management Capabilities: Engage teachers in developing formative programs (NWEA formative assessments , professional assistance and review [review process, learning labs], curriculum review). Develop a program to improve school front and back-office operations. YES (80%) NO (20%) Improve Capital Infrastructure Implement the Capital Plan as approved by board including the following: Deliver improvements to Milton Frank Stadium during SY2013-14 (new concession stand, expanded restroom facilities, ornamental fence, press box renovation). Build HHS Freshman Academy for Delivery during the 2014-15 School Year. Award architect and construction contracts for the following new construction 1 ES, 1 Jr. HS, 2 HS, 1 P-8. Award renovation contract for one P-8 magnet school. Continue to make significant progress in “Green Factors” to implement plan to achieve unitary status. Develop program to strengthen Magnet Programs (more selective enrollment, increased program alignment, capital and/or staffing improvements). Show progress in racial balance of staffing at all schools Total points 13 BOARD COMMENTS “Good job with court case!!” “Really impressed with the where you have positioned the system when compared to where we were just a few years ago. Great job!!”