CURRENT FORCE PERFORMANCE Agenda No. 7 CURRENT FORCE PERFORMANCE Dr. Richard Bullock Force Performance Analyst
PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW 5 of 16 targets projected to be achieved based on current trends Targets of particular concern: Citizen Focus Criminal Damage - and the impact on BCS Crime Sanction Detection
Bottom of MSF (and low nationally) for: Overall Satisfaction Ease of Contact Actions Treatment Statistically Significantly Below Average in these Areas Particular areas of poor performance Vehicle Crime Violent Crime Particularly Action and Follow Up Initial Areas for Work to Improve Performance Victim Packs Aide Memoir to Officers (to include Victim Code Info)
BCS comparator crime trend flat lining TARGET 3: To achieve a minimum reduction of 7% in BCS comparable recorded crime. BCS comparator crime trend flat lining 40% of BCS comparator crime is criminal damage (see target 15)
TARGET 5: To achieve a minimum sanction detection rate of 27% for total crime
TARGET 6: To achieve a minimum of £1 TARGET 6: To achieve a minimum of £1.53 million of assets recovered as part of the proceeds of crime act.
TARGET 7: To achieve a minimum increase of 5% in the number of supply offences brought to justice for Class A Drugs
TARGET 8: To achieve a minimum detection rate of 65% for domestic violence crime.
TARGET 10: To achieve a minimum of 90% of 999 calls in 10 seconds. Need Approx 95% of calls answered in 10 secs to achieve year end target
TARGET 11: To achieve a minimum of 90% of non-emergency calls answered via the switchboard in 30 seconds.
47% of violent crime is in a public place TARGET 14: To reduce anti-social behaviour through achieving a minimum reduction of 3% of violent crime in a public place. 47% of violent crime is in a public place Follows trend in total violence (projected -4% fall in violent crime)
TARGET 15: To reduce anti-social behaviour through achieving a minimum of 3% reduction in of criminal damage.