Week of: January 28, 2019 Math – Dividing Fractions using models and other strategies This Wednesday is 5th grade wacky Wednesday. Please make sure your student wears the appropriate attire. Also, please make sure your child has proper shoes on the days they have p.e. this is to help ensure safety and participation in all outside activities. Science –Investigate and describe some basic forms of energy, including light, heat, sound, electrical, chemical, and mechanical.. Reading – Explain how a series of chapters, scenes, or stanzas fits together to provide the overall structure of a particular story, drama, or poem. Important Dates: 1/30/19 – 5th Grade Wacky Wednesday Email Address Phone Number
Heather L. Gelb Leesburg Parents: We are proud to be able to serve you and your children and we will continually strive to provide a safe learning environment for them. The safety of your child and all children in our school, as well as the safety of the school staff and support personnel is very important to us. In order to maintain a safe environment for our children to study and learn, it is necessary that we practice our emergency and crisis response plans by having drills designed to exercise our procedures. We will be conducting various drills throughout the school year. This letter is to help you understand the importance of this as well as to understand the drill. Active Shooter Drill: Active shooter or violent intruder (dangerous someone) events are alarming, however preparing children for the unimaginable event of an active shooter is important. This type of training for children is similar to that of the lessons taught in stranger danger and fire drill training. The training provides teachers with age-appropriate material and scenarios to help prepare children for active shooter or violent intruder events. Please remember that these safety practice drills are done to help maintain our school as a safe place to learn and work. If you have any questions regarding any of these Safety Drills or other safety concerns, please reach out to me. The telephone number is 352-365-6308. Sincerely, Heather L. Gelb