Spring 2014 Internships
Info packet & required forms are on my website: www.wou.edu/~robertsjl, then click on Internships link 120 total hours required 10 week term = 12 hours / week
You should have a site by now – and it should have been approved by me. If not, see me ASAP Complete Forms A, B & C Salem Hospital and Samaritan Health Services do NOT need Form A – everyone else does! TYPED except for signatures Handwritten forms will NOT be accepted Incomplete forms – 5 points will be deducted from final grade for each incomplete form. Completed forms are due at next meeting.
Forms Experience Provider = Internship Site On form A; for WOU = my name / contact info KEEP a copy of form C for your records.
Upcoming Meetings Meetings are MANDATORY!! Tuesday, April 1st, 4pm, in OPE202 Midterm check-in – individual meeting Wednesday, June 11th, 12noon, location TBA
Check WOU email regularly Add forms: HE419: CRN 30769 PE419: CRN 30931