Eric Mazzocco, Jake Smith, Ian Anderson Online Payment System Eric Mazzocco, Jake Smith, Ian Anderson
What is OPS? An Online Payment System Pays your bills automatically Pays your bills when you want
User Activities Create an Account Log Into An Account Users can create an account associated with one or more bank accounts Log Into An Account Allows the authenticate with the system to access their private records Log Out of the Account Allows the user to close the connection with the server so no one else can use their account
User Activities (Continued) Retrieve Funds From Bank Account Allows the user to withdraw funds from their registered bank accounts and insert them into their OPS account Withdraw Funds from OPS Allows the user to deposit their funds from OPS back into their registered bank accounts Make Payment Make payment to another registered OPS user Checks to see if the user's payment will bounce – if so warns the user via email
User Activities (Continued) Setup Periodic Payment Allows the user to set up a time based payment that occurs at a user set interval Generate History of Account Allows the user to generate a report on their account usage in either a monthly format or a time period determined by the user
User Activities (Continued) Change Information User can change their Billing Information User can change their Main Bank Account User can change their User Information User can remove a bank account from their OPS account User can add a bank account to their OPS account
Administrator Activities Manage Accounts Allows changing of any user's Information Allows viewing of any user's usage history Allows creation of a user account Allows deletion of any user account Freeze an Account Allows the administrator to put a hold on an account's activity as it is being investigated for improper usage
The User Interface OPS will be a web based application It will have a relatively simplistic interface to allow novice users easy access Activities will be grouped logically It will be usable by any browser with no external plug-ins It will not have any sort of Flash content in it whatsoever
Information Sources and Destinations All information will be initially inputted by the user This information will then be verified by the user's bank All information will then be stored securely on our servers and used for bill payment
Inconsistencies and Questions Can we have multiple OS accounts per bank account? Answer: No, this is not an option as it has a very high potential for abuse by the user Can we have multiple bank accounts assigned to one OPS account? Answer: Yes, as long as the bank account is not assigned to another account
Inconsistencies and Questions Do you need an OPS account to receive money from an OPS account? Answer: Yes, one will require an account to receive money to ensure secure transactions Does OPS automatically retrieve funds from one's bank account? Yes, this will be an option for the user to save them time
Inconsistencies and Questions If the bank account that is registered with the OPS account is closed, what happens? Answer: The user is given 30 days to assign a new bank account before their account is frozen Is it possible to switch bank accounts? Yes, this is an option available under Change Information
Inconsistencies and Questions Is it possible to change user information? Answer: Yes, this is possible via the Change Information page Can OPS change currency for international billing? Yes, this is a desired service and therefore will be implemented
Inconsistencies and Questions Who runs OPS? Answer: OPS is an outside organization looking to improve the ease of commerce in the world Should there be a charge for the service? Yes, OPS is a business and therefore looking to make a profit
Inconsistencies and Questions Can you withdraw money from your OPS account and deposit it into your bank account? Answer: Yes, this will be allowed Will there be a limit on the amount of withdrawals? Answer: Yes, otherwise users may abuse this ability and waste our resources
Inconsistencies and Questions Is there a limit on the number of bill payments? Answer: No, one can pay as many bills as they wish
The Use Case Diagram