BINP Tau-Charm Project Update E.Levichev, BINP, Novosibirsk


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Presentation transcript:

BINP Tau-Charm Project Update E.Levichev, BINP, Novosibirsk SuperB Workshop LAL, Orsay, February 15-18, 2009

Topics: 1. Novosibirsk CT Project briefly 2. IR design 3. FF and QD0 4 Topics: 1. Novosibirsk CT Project briefly 2. IR design 3. FF and QD0 4. Polarization insertions

Layout Injection facility exists Tunnel for the linac and the technical straight section of the factory is ready

Scientific case ► D-Dbar mixing ► CP violation searches in charm decays ► Rare and forbidden charm decays ► Standard Model tests in  leptons decays ► Searches for lepton flavor violation ► CP/T violation searches in t leptons decays Requirements: L > 1034 cm-2 s-1, longitudinal polarization ► Production of the polarized anti-nucleons Energy = 1 GeV with reduced luminosity

Specifications ► Variable energy Ecm= 3 – 4.5 GeV (from J/psi to charm baryons) (2 – 4.5 GeV?) ► L = 1÷2×1035 cm-2s-1 (crab-waist approach) ► e-s are polarized longitudinally at IP ► No energy asymmetry ► No beam monochromatization ► Energy calibration with medium accuracy is enough (Compton backscattering)

Main accelerator parameters 8 m of the SC wigglers with 20-cm-period are used to control the beam parameters at different energies

Luminosity D.Shatilov

IR  Old A.Bogomyagkov P.Piminov New 

Last modifications Beta*x = 2 cm  3 cm (in QF1 Beta x = 800 m  350m) Separation of the betas in SY & SX is better –I between SY1 –SY2 & SX1-SX2 is designed with very high accuracy Sextupole length L = 30  20 cm Special weak sextupoles (~3% of the main ones) correct 4D DA very effectively Special sextupoles open the energy bandwidth to ±2% Chromaticity of Betas is intrinsically small for the telescope scheme and sextupoles are used to zero the chromaticity of Alphas (Betas’)

Parameters old/new x 300 bunches = 1 x 1035

IR optics L1/2 = 85 m

IR sextupole correction scheme

Telescope transformation A.Bogomyagkov Map: Twiss transformation: Transport notation: Chromaticity: Telescopic symmetry: Sextupoles to cancel

Bandwidth BW = ±2%

DA correction P.Piminov

FF quadrupoles

QD0 Cosine SC quadrupole with short end coil region with optimized 6th and 10th integrated harmonics (<10-3) Active quench protection system with heater P.Vobly

QD0 main coils connection Two additional current sources allows to compensate influence of the coils misalignment and manufacturing errors on the field with high accuracy. The tuning is done during the magnetic measurements.

QD0 assembling

Polarization insertion I S.Nikitin Central arc Disadvantage: the scheme operates well only for the nominal energy. At the nominal energy the magnets rotate the spin around the field direction by (2k+1), k is integer. Solenoids rotate the spin by /2 around the velocity vector: a polarization vector is longitudinal at IP and transverse outside the polarization insertion.

Polarization insertion II Achromatic central arc Advantage: the scheme is optimally tuned by the solenoids in the whole energy range!

Polarization insertion III Arc Achromatic arc Longitudinal polarization degree, averaged on time and particle ensemble

Summary ► CT project interaction region is designed with parameters (bandwidth, dynamic aperture, crab sextupoles location, etc.) satisfied the project requirements ► Design of the final focus superconducting quadrupoles is started and preliminary configuration of the large aperture QD0, shared by both beams, with the required parameters is found ► New polarization insertion based on the achromatic arc is proposed. Solenoids allow to tune the polarization at IP in the wide energy range