What does “Gospel” mean part 2
Last week we saw that “The Gospel” means “Good News”: Joyful Message Eternal Live Refreshing water in dry land Healing and Sustenance
Gospel Means Today we are going to see the 4 important things you should know about the Gospel!
The First Good News is We were Created in God’s own image Genesis 1: 26-27 A Babylonian theory said we were the result of gods battling together The Darwin Theory of Evolution said we have evolved from simple bacteria (from goo to you via the zoo)
The Second Good News is But, we sinned and started to run away from God. God provided for us was a way of salvation through a saviour he appointed before time began. When Adam and Eve sinned, God promised a saviour to restore our relationship with Him. Through the prophets we were told of a Saviour Throughout the whole Bible, there are messages that we have hope in a Saviour to rescue us from our sins Through God’s creation, we see His glory and grace Through every new day, He is calling us to restart again fresh and reach out to Him.
The Third Good News is God Loves you Jesus came and died on the cross for our sins. He arose on the third day victoriously. So, He is able to give us victory over our sin. God has revealed His Love towards us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us Romans 5:8
The Fourth good News is God grants you eternal life by faith! Jesus said whoever believes in me will have eternal life – Just by Faith- John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life Believe= Faith not feelings
Let’s talk .. What do you think about these 4 things? We were created in God’s image. We sinned but God provided a way of salvation through a Saviour God loves you: Jesus came and died on the cross for our sins Salvation and eternal life can be ours if we have faith in Christ and believe that they were provided by his sacrificial death only. if you need to know more you log on the church website www.crossculture.net.au