Munsang College Overview on F.4 Streaming Method in MSC for 2019-2020 (Talk 2) Ms. Ting Man Shuk (Head of Academic Affairs Committee) 9th May 2019
Agenda Summary of Talk 1 on 1st March 2019 and Updates Result of Survey Conducted in March 2019 NSS 2019/20 Student Option System
1. Summary of Talk 1 on 1st March 2019
NSS Subjects offered in MSC Key Learning Areas Subjects Chinese Language Edu. English Language Edu. Mathematics Education Personal, Social and Humanities Education Science Education Technology Education Art Education Chinese Language English Language Liberal Studies Mathematics Core Subjects Mathematics extended module (MEX 2) Chinese History Economics Geography History Electives Biology Chemistry Physics Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Visual Arts Music (Sat)
10 Elective subjects offered in 2019/20 Electives (Tentative no. of subject groups) Biology (2) Chemistry (3) Physics (2) Economics (2) History (1) Chinese History (1) Visual Arts (1) Geography (1) Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) (2) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) (1) Total 16 subject groups (2019/20) Quota for each group : 35 (Exception: ICT: 21 VA: 20) (Total number of F.3 students in 2018/19 = 171)
2019/2020 F.4 Curriculum Structure Class F.4A F.4B F.4C F.4D F.4E Core Chi Eng Maths LBS Electives * Block Timetabling Block 1 +2 Chi +1 Eng +2 LBS Block 2 Electives (6) Block 3 Electives (6) Other Learning Experience (OLE) Music/ V.A. B.K. P.E.
Ranking Criteria The Grand Average Marks (GAM) of year result would be employed as the criteria for ranking F.3 students of 2018/2019. The score scale for calculating the GAM is: Chi. Eng. Math. LBS Bio. Chem. 2 1 Phy. Geog. Hist. C. Hist. BAE ICT 0.25 BK Music PE V.A.
Ranking Criteria The student with the highest GAM ranks first on the list for choosing elective subjects, so on and so forth. The first two choices of each student will be fulfilled in the 1st iteration in order of their Grand Average Marks (GAM). His/her remaining choice will be allocated in the 2nd iteration. Students are invited to indicate their order of preference (from 1 to 10) for the 10 elective subjects which are: BAFS Biology Chinese History Chemistry Economics Geography History ICT Physics Visual Arts
Mathematics Extended Module Class Designation Students do not need to apply to be enrolled in a particular class. GAM will be the tool for assigning students into 5 classes from A to E. Rank order of Chinese and English Languages will be considered for allocating students into F.4E. Mathematics Extended Module There’ll be a briefing session in the 1st Term of F.4. Students will apply for M2 in the 2nd Term of F.4. Performance in F.4 Mathematics and F.4 G.A.M. will be the criteria for selecting students into M2. Extra lessons will be conducted on Saturdays.
Students taking NSS Music Points to note: Networking school since 2011/2012. Lessons are conducted on Saturdays. Some visits or learning related activities are conducted afterschool.
Students taking NSS Other Languages Selection Criteria Top 50 students in F.3 (Term 1 Examination)
Other Points to Note: Private study and dropping of an NSS Elective Subject in F.4 will NOT be allowed in 2019/2020. No Applied Learning to be offered.
2. Result of Survey Conducted in March 2019
Survey Result (March 2019) (171 students) BAFS Bio Chem 中史 Econ Geo Hist ICT Phy VA Top 3 44 75 102 38 53 41 28 72 17 Subj gps 2 3 1 The no. of subject groups is tentative. The no. of subject groups is subject to the result of SOP in May and the allocation of school resources.
Survey Result (March 2019) (171 students) 9 students (5.3%) with 3 Science subjects (CHEM + BIO + PHY) 17 students choosing NSS Music 0 (out of 1) student (Rank order 1 - 50) is eligible to choose NSS French 1 (out of 5) student (Rank order 1 - 50) is eligible to choose NSS Japanese
Suggestion for Parents Respect students’ subject preferences. Encourage children to select the subjects that are suitable for themselves, taking into account their abilities and interests, their plans for further studies / careers, and subjects offered by the school.
3. NSS 2019/20 Student Option System
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. of 12th May 2019 (Sun) Student Option System Online selection of choices of 10 Electives. Multiple entries would be allowed. Deadline: 11:59 p.m. of 12th May 2019 (Sun) Late submission may be treated at the lowest priority
Online Survey on Students’ Preference of 10 Senior Secondary Elective Subjects Step 1 : Login eClass and complete the survey for F.3 students.
Step 2: Click the icon “Survey” Multiple entries are allowed. After the first entry, …
Survey on Student Option for Senior Secondary Subjects (2018-2019) 2019-05-09 2019-05-12 Step 3 : Complete the “Survey on Student Option for Senior Secondary Subjects (2018-2019)”
Step 4 : Indicate your preferences in the 10 Electives : 1 for the First Choice; 10 for the Last Choice Input 1 to 10 Do not enter as 0.1 or 1.0 or 01 Do not duplicate numbers No blank input
Step 5 : (a) Indicate whether you would take Music, French or Japanese as one of your electives. (b) Multiple entries would be allowed before 11:59 p.m. of 12th May 2019 (Sun).
Step 6 : Remember to Submit by 11:59 p.m. 12th May 2019 (Sun).
NSS Student Option Survey The survey will be conducted from 9th May 2019 (Thu) to 11:59 p.m. of 12th May 2019 (Sun). You may reset your choices before 11:59 p.m. of 12th May 2019 (Sun). All students have to indicate their order of preferences of elective subjects. (1, 2, …. 10) Each number MUST be used ONCE Be responsible to your choices. Any irregularities in completing the survey may be ranked bottom in the process of allocating the Electives.
A verification form will be distributed on 20th June 2019 (The first Post-exam Paper Checking day)
21 Jun 2019
Late submission may be ranked bottom in the process of allocating the Electives, and you are NOT allowed to make any changes in the rank of the electives.
Important Dates 9 – 12 May 2019 Complete the Student Option System through eClass survey 20 June 2019 (Thu) Receive the Verification Form on the “NSS Student Option” in the Form Period and check for any irregularities. Have the verification form being signed by parents with amendments if there is any. 21 June 2019 (Fri) Submit the Verification Form to Class Teacher with parent’s signature. Students who are unable to complete the Verification Procedures on time may rank bottom in the process of allocating the Electives. 8 July 2019 (Mon) (Tentative) Release of Elective Choices Results through: School homepage (Announcement) AAC bulletin board
Remarks To make application for special consideration of a change of a F.4 Elective Subject (after the release of results) to the principal Make formal application to the Vice-Principal, Mr. Yu Kin Man at General Office, at or before 12:00 noon of 12th July 2019 (Friday). Not ALL the cases will be considered. Successful applicants will be notified in due course. Remark: Request on the change of classes is usually NOT entertained.
Q & A