Argumentative Strategies How can I persuade others?
Logical Argument (Claim) State your claim Example: The town needs money. A skating rink will bring in money. Therefore, we should build a rink.
Statistics (Logos) Facts, numbers, and information can be very convincing. Example: Eighty percent of the voters support a rink.
Expert Opinions (Big Names) Important people or experts can make your argument seem more convincing. Example: Professor Irving Hud argues that public recreational facilities will improve business in our town.
Personal Observation Personally observing evidence or situations that would support your argument. Example: Every day, I see kids hanging out with nothing to do. A skating rink will give them an outlet.
Charged Language and Striking Images Getting people to feel happy, sad, or angry can help your argument. Example: Our “sleepy little town” is starting to wake up. We can turn over and go back to sleep- or we can get up and do what needs doing.
Appeals to Ethics Stating what should be done simply because it is the right thing to do We can turn over and go back to sleep- or we can get up and do what needs doing.
All of this can’t be done without doing a little…RESEARCH! In order to convince your reader you need to look at reliable research.