INTRODUCTION TO EXPLORATION WHO was involved in it? 5 European powers 1. Portugal 2. Spain 3. France 4. Netherlands 5. England WHAT was it? A “race” to explore new lands and create colonies
WHEN did this happen? (about 1350-1750) WHERE did they explore? (2 “waves”) 1350-1500 Africa, Asia 1500-1750 North and South America
WHY did they explore? economic/political/social reasons (3 “Gs” Gold (economics) Search for gold, silver, and other metals More resources to trade and export New markets and consumers for goods and resources Mercantilism – building up gold supply through a favorable trade balance
2. Glory (political concerns) Imperialism -- idea that land = power Natural struggle among societies justified the taking of power (The end justifies the means) Having an empire helped guarantee national security Empires could give others a better way of life
Conversion of natives to Christianity (esp. by Catholic nations) 3. God (social change) Conversion of natives to Christianity (esp. by Catholic nations) Settlers seeking religious freedom (ex. Puritans, Pilgrims)
Advances in transportation Caught the maximum amount of wind for more speed HOW did they do it? Triangular; allowed sailing “into” the wind Advances in transportation Shallow keel for increased speed, maneuverability
carrack or nau Forecastles / aftcastles – helped in defense Deeper keel – more space for supplies; greater stability in rough seas Square-rigged sails fore; lateen-rigged aft
galleon low or no forecastle; improved speed combined best elements of past ships
Advances in navigation compass – helped determine direction in relation to north quadrant quadrant, sextant, astrolabe Mainly used the angle of the sun/stars to the horizon to determine latitude compass sextant astrolabe astrolabe
Advances in cartography (mapmaking) Latitude – distance north or south of the equator Development of longitude lines to create a grid with latitude lines Longitude – distance east or west of the prime meridian Mercator projection – easiest to use for marine navigation Original Mercator projection, 1569
All maps are distorted to some degree… (you’re showing a spherical object on a flat surface)
Prince Henry (the Navigator) funded Portuguese voyages and new cartography Ferdinand and Isabella (Spain) sponsored Columbus Elizabeth I (1st) (England) sponsored Francis Drake developed English sea power