The Industrial Revolution Begins 9.1 The Industrial Revolution Begins
Beginnings of Industrialization Industrial Revolution = Era of increased use of machines to manufacture items; mid 1700s-mid 1900s Enclosures = portions of large farmland separated from others Enclosures allow farmers to experiment with crops w/o affecting entire property
Beginnings of Industrialization Jethro Tull invents seed drill which sows seeds at regular intervals; leads to greater yield Crop rotation: changing the crop on the same land each season Crop rotation allows nutrients to build back into the soil New breeding methods of only allowing the best animals to breed increases output
Industrialization Industrialization = use of machine production to manufacture items Factors of production necessary for industrialization Land Labor Capital (money)
Inventions Spur Industrialization Spinning Jenny allows workers to work eight times faster in textile mills Hydropower from rivers used to power machines Factories built near rivers to power production Cotton Gin, invention to remove seeds from cotton, increases American cotton crop
Transportation Advancements Entrepreneur: person who organizes, manages, & takes on business risks Improved steam engine powers boats Canals allow water transportation inland Rocks used to allow road travel during rainy weather Turnpikes crated to raise $$
Railroads Transform Industrialization Steam engines power locomotives Railroad allows quicker transportation & greater accessibility Impact of railroad: Growth of industry New jobs created Growth of agriculture People can work further from home