Homework Sunday, May 19, 2019 Budburst Monday Objective: YWBAT analyze what happens to radiation that reaches the Earth. Drill: How does the process of convection rely on conduction? Homework Budburst Monday
Answer The air directly above the Earth’s surface is heated by conduction This warm air is then circulated through the atmosphere by convection currents.
Did you know…? Global warming is caused primarily by carbon dioxide from burning coal, oil and gas. Certain gases that trap heat are building up in Earth's atmosphere. The primary culprit is carbon dioxide, released from burning coal, oil and natural gas in power plants, cars, factories, etc. (and to a lesser extent when forests are cleared). The second is methane, released from rice paddies, both ends of cows, rotting garbage in landfills, mining operations, and gas pipelines. Third are chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and similar chemicals, which are also implicated in the separate problem of ozone depletion. Nitrous oxide (from fertilizers and other chemicals) is fourth.
Today’s Activities Drill National Geographic Explorer Bill Nye’s Global Meltdown Conclusion
While watching the documentary You must identify two facts for each of the five stages of grief and a bonus fact for HOPE. 1.Denial 2.Anger 3.Bargaining 4.Depression 5.Acceptance And one more is added: 6.Hope
List 20 things that YOU can do to slow down climate change. Closure List 20 things that YOU can do to slow down climate change.
Conclusion Answer Answers will vary