Community Engagement
ISLE Vision for the Future - Examples Connect to mentors. Find student organizations. Find challenges. Connect to project management resources. ISLE Welcome back Jeanne My Plan Community Projects Resources My Career Pathway IT Code Camp Reminder Messages It is time to check your plan. Messages It is time to check your plan.
Connect to Mentors Example Become a mentor. Connect with mentors. Messages Check in with Ms. Smith after your interview to review how it went. Messages Check in with Ms. Smith after your interview to review how it went. ISLE Mentor Network Career Pathways More>> Mentor Network Career Pathways More>>
Student Organizations Example ISLE Welcome back Jeanne Community AFNR webinar is this week. Messages Dont forget to sign up for Skills USA Championship. Messages Dont forget to sign up for Skills USA Championship. Promote student organization activities. My Mentors
Challenges and Project Management Resources Example IT project team webinar.. Connect students with challenges and provide project management resources. Welcome back Jeanne ISLE Messages Dont forget to sign up for Skills USA Championship. Messages Dont forget to sign up for Skills USA Championship. Project Room Team Meeting Room Documents Wiki Testing went great yesterday… Project Room Team Meeting Room Documents Wiki Testing went great yesterday…
Community Engagement – Scenario Examples ScenariosUsersFunctions Student organizations across STEM areas are offering several major challenges and events during the school year. Students, Parents, Educators, and Employers. Event calendar app allows for any STEM exchange, partner, or school to enter events. After school programs need project management resources for an IT club that is going to develop games as a team activity. Community Organization Staff and Students Online project management site is accessed by program staff to invite students to access. The path to, and benefits for, participating with student organizations is unclear. Students and Parents Use an app to link to all major student organizations. A variety of resources is available for use by after school programs but it is difficult to effectively get this information to the programs. Educators and Community Organizations Online resource look up. Students want the most recent information. Students and Parents Real-time news feed for events, opportunities, and to share successes. A teacher is thinking about a learning activity but doesnt have the equipment needed. EducatorsOnline resource look up. Employers are interested in sponsoring challenges EmployersMake app open to employers to see how they can help and subscribe to updates.
Examples of How STEM Learning Exchanges Can Use ISLE for Community Engagement Decrease costs by sharing access to applications that are needed across STEM areas. Involve partners, employers, and others to provide resources and dissemination information. Work with ISLE, STEM Exchange Partners, educators, and others to determine community engagement app requirements.
Check Point How can all STEM Exchanges Participate with and Use ISLE for Community Engagement? Unique Uses? AFNR Energy Finance Health Science IT Mfg R & D TDL
ISLE Outreach
Outreach Example Illinois Pathways ISLE
Outreach Example Subscription widget. ISLE
Outreach Example Regional manufacturing websites. ISLE
Outreach - Scenario Examples ScenariosUsersFunctions Regionally, manufacturing partnerships want to improve public perception, increase access to programs that provide credentials, and communicate what employers want from workers. Educators, Employers, Community Organizations Regional websites provide local information and the big picture across regions. Educators need to know about all of the new resources available to them. EducatorsReal-time updates about resource availability. Employers want to know that their participation with local education efforts is making a positive impact. Employers Use online app to recognize employers and student successes whenever needed. Parents want to know about some of the best options for their children as they plan their education. Parents and Students Go online to view outreach geared toward them. Workers need to know how they can keep their skills up to date. AdultsGo online to view outreach geared toward them. Employers and Community organizations want to know how they can be part of partnerships. Employers and Community Organizations Go online, learn about, click to speak with a partnership representative, and join the partnership.
Examples of How STEM Learning Exchanges Can Use ISLE for Outreach Decrease costs by sharing access to applications that are needed across STEM areas. Involve partners, employers, and others to provide resources and dissemination information. Work with ISLE, STEM Exchange Partners, educators, and others to determine outreach.
Check Point How can all STEM Exchanges Participate with and Use ISLE for Outreach? Unique Uses? AFNR Energy Finance Health Science IT Mfg R & D TDL
Professional Development
Connect educators with professional development opportunities. ISLE Messages Wells Fargo is sponsoring an event for teachers. Messages Wells Fargo is sponsoring an event for teachers. ISLE Messages New field trip opportunities.. Messages New field trip opportunities.. Opportunity Alert…. Need teachers to align standards earn CPDUs and Honorarium Be part of the ISLE design focus groups More>> Opportunity Alert…. Need teachers to align standards earn CPDUs and Honorarium Be part of the ISLE design focus groups More>> Professional Development for Educators Example
Professional Development - Scenario Examples ScenariosUsersFunctions Teachers need to be able to access training at their convenience. Educators and Administrators Online, open-entry and exit courses that provide CPDUs and/or university credit. Community partners need to be able to make the most of the new tools available to them. Community Organizations Online training modules and live webinars are available that provide CPDUs and/or university credit. Educators need to know how to use new equipment. Educators and Administrators Online training modules and live webinars are available that provide CPDUs and/or university credit. Educators need to know how to integrate new technologies with their day to day work in ways that are beneficial, and dont create more work. Educators and Administrators Online training modules and live webinars are available that provide CPDUs and/or university credit. A limited-time opportunity has come up that will help school districts that are updating STEM programs. Educators and Administrators Real-time professional development opportunity updates come directly to , messages, and/or Facebook. School districts want to use in- service days to ensure teachers are aware of new resources and know how to use them. Educators and Administrators Offer booking service an also self-facilitated guide so schools can opt to have their own staff lead a workshop.
Examples of How STEM Learning Exchanges Can Use ISLE for Professional Development Decrease costs by sharing access to applications that are needed across STEM areas. Involve partners, employers, educators and others to determine professional development needs and design for a variety of delivery options. Work with ISLE, STEM Exchange Partners, educators, and others to delivery professional development.
Check Point How can all STEM Exchanges Participate with and Use ISLE for Professional Development? Unique Uses? AFNR Energy Finance Health Science IT Mfg R & D TDL
STEM Learning Exchanges Functions Priority Rating Unique Needs 1. Individual Learning Plans - Learning Maps LEAST 1234 MOST 5 2. Curriculum Resources – Content Repository, Searching, Tagging Career Development Work-based Learning/ Community Engagement Community Engagement Outreach Professional Development 12345
STEM Learning Exchange Feedback Next Steps: Meet with exchange partners to gather feedback. Ask partners to participate with focus groups. Disseminate and complete online survey. Hold another STEM Exchange Discovery Session. Compile information for ISLE Design.