ECE 539 – Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems Henrique Parreiras Couto.


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Presentation transcript:

ECE 539 – Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems Henrique Parreiras Couto

The first division of Brazilian soccer league includes 20 teams Every team plays against all others twice Total of 380 games per year The championship format was different before 2003

Predict the score of any match of the first division of the Brazilian national championship using a Multi-layer perceptron.

Public study about the market value of Brazilian teams Source: hp?segmento=sport&id=263

Publically available game results from 2003 through 2012 Python program was used to extract and format the data into.txt files according to each team (with Alberto Tavares)

MATLAB program used to assembly the data Home Team # of matches played since 2003 Home goals for Home goals against Market value Away Team # of matches played since 2003 Away goals for Away goals against Market value

[ ] – Large loss [ ] – Small loss [ ] – Tie [ ] – Small victory [ ] – Large victory

Training and Testing files 380 feature vectors each Games Played Home goals for Home goals against Market Value Games Played Away goals for Away goals against Market Value Labels

Classifier result gives the difference between the number of goals of each team Final score prediction based on the classifier result and average number of goals scored by each team since 2003.

Average classification rate of the MLP : ~40% Improvements needed