Expert Group on Reporting under the Nature Directives - WP2 – Align/synchronise reporting under the Birds and Habitats Directives Brussels, 26 June 2008
Aim: Align/synchronise progress reporting under Art. 12 of Birds Dir Aim: Align/synchronise progress reporting under Art.12 of Birds Dir. with progress reporting under Art.17 Habitats Dir. by reducing reporting frequency under Birds Dir. producing similar data on status and trends of bird species as those produced under Art. 17 of the Hab Dir. Output: Coherent and publicly-available data sets on species and habitats protected by EU legislation Benefits: Assessement of effectiveness of the Directives at EU level Support to MS for Art. 6 appropriate assessments, derogations… EU input for international processes (eg. CBD)
Comparing relevant provisions in EU legislation Birds / Habitats Directives: Different timing Similar content (measures taken by MSs) but Hab Dir more explicit as regards conservation status of habitats/species Nature Directives / Env Liability Directive: The ELD uses same definitions of ‘conservation status’ as the Hab Dir and applies them to species and habitats both under the Birds and Hab Directives
Options for streamlining ‘loyal cooperation’ under Art. 10 of Treaty: MSs and the Commission agree on the streamlined approach in the framework of the Habitats and Ornis committees Modification of reporting obligations in Nature Directives (under envisaged revision of Reporting Dir. 91/692) SEIS principles: electronic (web-based) reporting, updating instead of fixed periodicity, simplification Progress reporting: a common provision, same timing, same directions for content, same procedures (incl. role of committee)
Harmonising the timing of progress reports 2013: 1st common report Caution: Draft! Reports Birds Directive (Art.12) ‘93-’95 ‘96-’98 ’99-’01 ’02-’04 ’05-’07 2008-2012 2013-2018 Habitats Directive (Art.17) 1994-2000 2001-2006 2007-2012 2013-2018 __|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|_ ‘94 ‘96 ‘98 ’00 ’02 ‘04 ’06 ’08 ’10 ’12 ‘14 ’16 ’18
Streamlining of content of reporting Status and trends assessments relating to birds can be included in Art. 12 reporting – benefits from this Legal requirements of the Birds Dir are not affected Good data seem to be already available First steps for the Working Group (sub-group WP2): Review and compare existing methods available at MS/European level on assessing bird status and trends Scope of birds covered by reporting, data implications