IASI / AIRS / CRIS cross-calibrations 5a 0:20 Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments”: Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments”: 23 May 2019 Wed pm GRWG: LEO-LEO IR 13:10 Denis Jouglet CNES IASI / AIRS / CRIS cross-calibrations 5a 0:20 13:30 Korak Saha NOAA MICROS/GHRSST update 5b 13:50 Tim Hewison EUMETSAT MetopB-MetopA/IASI 5c 14:10 LEO-LEO IR comparisons at LMD: IASI, HIRS, TANSO-FTS, AVHRR 5d 14:30 Lei Shi HIRS inter-satellite differences 5e 14:50 All Progress towards Demonstration Products 5f 15:10 Coffee Break 0:40
Progress towards Operational LEO-LEO IR Products What are candidate GSICS Products? E.g. Metop/HIRS-Metop/IASI GSICS Corrections Delta Corrections (Double Differencing with GEO) Are these products in their own right? NWP Bias Monitoring (Double Differencing)? Others? Plans to submit to GPPA? Who will lead?
Feedback to GDWG for LEO-LEO IR Requirements to progress to demonstration status Feedback on Bias Monitoring Tool Is this a GSICS Product in its own right? (GPPA) To include Near-Real-Time Correction? To include unsmoothed daily results? To include Look Up Tables? What is needed for DCCs? e.g. Reflectance Bias, convert from radiance? Other ideas?