Sarah Knuth -- -- ext. 2390 A Peek at Next Week in… Mrs. Knuth’s Class February 27th Reminders -Yearbooks are $20 and include a hardcover, full color, and 56 pages!! -Students MUST wear a jacket unless the temperature is above 50. Please send jackets even if it is supposed to reach above 50 as the high. -ABSOLUTELY NO GUM AT SCHOOL! Math We will continue to work with place value and build and compare numbers, as well as start adding money. Please check out PRODIGY at home! Reading We will be listening for words and phrases that evoke feelings as well as understanding why images help us understand what we are reading. We are low on tissues, Clorox wipes, and emergency snack! Any donations are sincerely appreciated! Thank you Word Study We will continue word sorts as well as learn words in the –oil and –oy word families. Writing We will continue to work on our print skills in hopes to begin learning how to write in cursive. Upcoming Events -Book Orders due: February 24th -Ronald McDonald Show: Feb 24th -Dr. Seuss’ Birthday- Dress Like a Book Character: March 2nd -Athlos PTA Pancake Breakfast fudraiser: March 4th Social Studies We will start our unit on creating a box city! Sarah Knuth -- -- ext. 2390