Mammals Class Mammalia
Characteristics Integumentary hair, 2 pair of appendages, 5 digits, larynx with vocal cords, have a highly developed immune system to recognize and destroy pathogens
Characteristics Skeletal/Muscular 7 cervical vertebrae; Variety of limb adaptions Can run, walk, climb, burrow, fly, swim, leap
Characteristics Circulatory Reproductive 4 chambered heart, 2 separate loops, complete separation of oxygen rich/oxygen poor blood Reproductive Dioecious – different sexes, internal fertilization, viviparous – live births, placenta, mammary glands
P2 = slate What are at least two distinguishing features of mammals?
Characteristics Nervous Respiratory Highly developed cerebrum/cerebellum, & senses to detect and respond to stimuli. Endocrine system to regulate body activities by hormones Respiratory Diaphragm, lungs with alveoli instead of air sacs, lungs are controlled by two sets of muscles for inhalation and exhalation
Characteristics Digestive Excretory Complex teeth, herbivores (many have specialized digestive organs to break down plant matter), carnivores, omnivores Excretory Highly developed kidneys extract urea and help excrete or retain water as needed
Characteristics Body Temperature Habitat Endothermic, may also have sweat glands Habitat Land and water
P2 = Turn to your partner Describe how to distinguish between a herbivore and a carnivore by looking at an animals teeth.
Groups of Mammals Monotremes – egg laying, have cloaca (platypus) Marsupials – immature young develop in external pouch (kangaroo, koala) Placentals – embryo develop longer inside mother (human, dog, elephant)