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Presentation transcript:

SHOT TYPES/ANGLES/MISE-EN-SCÈNE Mise-en-scène (everything within the frame) – costume, action, props, editing, framing, aesthetic, lighting, setting, characters Shot types - Long shot, wide shot, medium shot, close-up, extreme close up, point of view, over-the-shoulder, two shot, establishing shot – all relates to framing Angles – high angle, low angle, eyeline match, bird’s eye view, point of view, canted Movements – Pan, tilt, track, dolly, zoom, handheld/steadicam, crane shots, Focus – shallow, deep, depth-of-field, pull focus

KEY TERMS MEDIA TEXTUAL ANALYSIS Denotation – what you see Mise-en-scène – Everything within the frame: – arrangement, composition, sets, props, actors (performance, gesture, body language), costume, lighting, framing. Cinematography – photographic elements of the film: – camera position, shot types, angles, movement, depth of focus, focus, filters, saturation/hues, lighting, framing, composition. Sound – includes diegetic sound, non-diegetic sound and the variety of ways in which aural elements (e.g. speech, music and noise) are used in relation to visuals. Performance – includes physical expression, vocal delivery and interaction between performers (with reference to issues of staging/choreography where relevant). Editing – organisation of time by cuts: - within a sequence, across sections of a narrative, the organisation of space in relation to the spectator’s position. - conventions of continuity editing (e.g. shot/reverse shot and 180 degree rule). - consideration: use of montage editing. Connotation – what it means. Semiotics – signs and symbols that have deeper meaning (signify). Ideology – the science of ideas – views, attitudes, ideas, beliefs: - left wing, centrist and right wing political stances – from the mild to the extreme. - Liberalism, Conservatism, Marxism, Socialism, Feminism, Capitalism, Libertarianism, Authoritarianism, Anarchism. Effects – the theoretical context of choices made: Context - Everything surrounding the subject. Audience Theory – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Hyperdermic Needle Theory (passive spectatorship), Uses and Gratifications Theory (active spectatorship) Narrative Theory – Todorov’s Stages of a Narrative, Propp’s Character Roles, Levi-Strauss’ Binary Oppositions

EXAMPLE TEXTUAL ANALYSIS – Denotation (Mise-en-scene, Performance, Cinematography, Editing, Sound) Connotation (Representation, Semiotics, Ideology, Motive, Purpose) Effect (Genre, Audience Theory, Narrative Theory, Context) Link (additional terms, answering the question)

MUSIC VIDEO INITIAL IDEA [SYNOPSIS] Premise – a person in a rabbit costume struggling through everyday existence and escaping from outer forces which seek to humiliate them. Song – Frightened Rabbit – The Modern Leper. Genre – indie rock / folk / post-grunge / Scottish. Pitch/tagline – A giant human rabbit hits rock bottom and tries to piece his life back together. Key features – Man in a giant bunny rabbit costume, running, city locations, rabbit character smoking/drinking and being rebellious, rabbit having cowardly features, rabbit being persecuted/bullied. Themes – loneliness / isolation / homelessness / depression / rebellion. Characters – human rabbit and extras. Aesthetic - humorous juxtapositions of real/caricature, iconic props and ambiguous symbolism. Locations – Hyde Park, underground, city sites. Narrative – - Giant rabbit sits hunched holding a cigarette and brown bag covered beer bottle in the park. - Guy in leather jacket confronts the rabbit. - He starts hurling verbal abuse at him then knocks over his drink and takes a cigarette. - The rabbit looks baffled, unsure of the reason why the man decided to do this. - The guy threatens the rabbit with a gun gesture and so the rabbit starts to run away. - The guy catches up with the rabbit who falls over. - The man grabs him around the neck, then punches him and walks away. - The rabbit sits on the underground train reading a newspaper. - The rabbit puts down the paper and holds his head in his hands. - The rabbit walks out of the underground and puts up the umbrella. - Rabbit mimes a gun pointed at his own head and keeps walking. - Passers by see the rabbit and start to back up then run away. - Rabbit slumps over the bar and stares into his pint of beer. - Rabbit falls off seat after being pushed and lies on the ground. - Footsteps enter through the door. - Rabbit covers his eyes trying to hide. - Rabbit opens eyes to see the same person towering over him. - Person drags the rabbit on the floor out of the pub. - Person sits the rabbit down on the same park bench again. - Person sits next to the rabbit and acts like the rabbit’s therapist. Pitch – Twin Atlantic’s Make A Beast of Myself meets Odd Man Out

Track = Frightened Rabbit – The Modern Leper MUSIC VIDEO MOOD BOARD Track = Frightened Rabbit – The Modern Leper Could be an additional prop as a hipster reference to vintage communi-cation A football could be an additional prop. A park bench is a prop from an initial scene with the giant bunny rabbit in despair. The giant bunny suit is the primary prop of the music video – some of the connotations of a rabbit will be ambiguously inferred A focus on inner-city props like traffic lights for establishing shots might be an effective filler. A newspaper will be a crucial prop within the mise-en-scene to show how scandals impact the character. Hyde Park will be a key location for certain scenes – for example: the park bench, running scenes. Headphone could connote spying, monitoring or a disconnection with society To be used in the first scene to connote his rebellious nature A bar scene as the character looks into the beer glass could be an effective way to emphasise his isolation. A cigarette is also symbolic of rebellion, his misfit, anti-social traits. Big Ben may feature. London Underground may be an important location to put the main character in a real context – the juxtaposition might be humorous.

MUSIC VIDEO MOOD BOARD PAGE 2 Influences [Evaluation] The premise of the ‘Twin Atlantic’ music video revolves around a character wandering around town to the horror of his neighbours. His mere presence causes people to run away from him as if they had seen a ghost. He is a pariah. The Beer bubbles scene in ‘Odd Man Out’ focuses on a character slumped on the bar table staring into the beer bubbles and seeing an apparition through them. This encapsulates the characters’ loneliness and desperate state of mind. The ‘Sigur Ros – Varuo’ music video features silhouetted figures in the distance appearing magically whilst holding flashlights. It echoes a sense of being watched by angels in the Icelandic landscape. The ‘Yonkers’ music video features spoken word/hip-hop which plays out like a disturbing confessional of a mind spiralling out of control. The hope is to echo this dysfunction within the persona of the rabbit. ‘Boy A’ features a teenager on the run from the law. The rabbit could represent the theme of running away. The ‘Orpheus’ scene focuses on the illusory nature of humanity through the symbolism of mirrors and parallel worlds which blur fantasy and reality. ‘Simon of the Desert’ scene could be applied to connote the rabbit’s false sense of martyrdom. Carol Reed’s Odd Man Out – Beer bubbles scene Sigur Ros – Varuo Music Video Twin Atlantic – Make a Beast of Myself music video Tyler, The Creator - Yonkers music video Luis Bunuel’s Simon of the Desert The Lives of Others Paul Thomas Anderson Films Boy A – Teenager on the run Jean Cocteau’s Orpheus

Film Schedule – Shot list, equipment list, risk assessment Shot No. Lyrics relevant to shot Location Action/Content Shot Types 1 “A cripple walks amongst you All you tired human beings” EXT. – Park Bench - DAY Giant rabbit sits hunched holding a cigarette and brown bag covered beer bottle. Tracking Long shot  mid-shot  close up (possible focus pull) 2 “He’s got all the things a cripple has not Two working arms and legs” Guy in leather jacket confronts the rabbit. Shot-reverse shot of two characters (rabbit sitting, man standing) 3 “And vital parts fall from his system And dissolve in Scottish rain” He starts hurling verbal abuse at him then knocks over his drink and takes his cigarette. Extreme close-ups intercut between each character and props. 4 “Vitally he doesn’t miss them He’s too ****ed up to care” The rabbit looks baffled, unsure of the reason why the man decided to do this. Long shot to reveal the gesture of the rabbit sitting on the seat. 5 “Is that you in front of me? Coming back for even more of exactly the same?” The guy threatens the rabbit with a gun gesture and so the rabbit starts to run away. Tracking POV shot from the perspective of the chaser looking at the runner – slow motion 6 “You must be a masochist To love a modern leper on his last leg On his last leg” The guy catches up with the rabbit who falls over. The man grabs him around the neck, then punches him and walks away. Medium two-shot of the attack. 7 “I’ve crippled your heart a hundred times And still can’t work out why” CUT TO: INT. – Tube Train - DAY The rabbit sits on the underground train reading a newspaper. Medium/long shot – jump cuts from different angles. 8 “See, I’ve got this disease, I can’t shake And I’m just rattling through life” INT. – Tube Train – DAY The rabbit puts down the paper and holds his head in his hands. Long shot intercut with close ups. 9 “Well, oh, this is how we do things now This is how the modern stay scared” EXT. – City - DAY The rabbit walks out of the underground and puts up his umbrella. Long shot. 10 “So I cut out all the good stuff Yeah, I cut off my foot to spite my leg” Rabbit mimes a gun point at his own head and pulls the imaginary trigger. Mid-shot/direct address.

Film Schedule Shot No. Lyrics relevant to shot Location Action/Content Shot Types 11 “Is that you in front of me Coming back for even more of exactly the same?” EXT. – City - DAY Passers by see the rabbit and start to back up then run away. Over-the-shoulder shot of rabbit/ long shot of person running away – slow-motion. 12 “You must be a masochist To love a modern leper on his last leg” Shot-reverse shot – close up of rabbit/medium shot of person running away. 13 “I am ill but I’m not dead And I don’t know which of those I’d prefer“ INT. – Pub - DAY Rabbit slumps over the bar. Medium shot of giant rabbit on bar. 14 “Because that limb which I have lost It was the only thing holding me up, Holding me up” Stares into his pint of beer and its bubbles. Slow zoom, extreme birds-eye-view close up of pint of beer. 15 “I’m lying on the ground now And you walk in through the only door” Rabbit falls off seat after being pushed and lies on the ground. Footsteps enter through the door. Medium shot  extreme close up. 16 “Well, I have lost my eyesight like I said I would But I still know” Rabbit covers his eyes trying to hide. Extreme close up. 17 “That that is you in front of me And you are back for even more of exactly the same” Rabbit opens eyes to see the same person towering over him. Low angle shot. 18 “Well, are you a masochist? You love a modern leper on his last leg” Person drags the rabbit on the floor out of the pub. Tracking medium/long shot. 19 “You’re not ill and I’m not dead Doesn’t that make us the perfect pair?” EXT. – Park - DAY Person sits the rabbit down on the same park bench again. Eye-line match long shot. 20 “You should sit with me and we’ll start again And you can tell me all about what you did today What you did today” Person sits next to the rabbit and acts like the rabbit’s therapist. Medium two-shot to track out and fade out.