Jesus is described in various ways The Anointed One Jesus is described in various ways Messiah, Jn. 1:41 Savior, Lk. 2:11 Son of God, Mt. 14:33 Apostle & High Priest, Heb. 3:1 Lion of Judah, Rev. 5:5
This lesson: Lamb of God The Anointed One Lamb of God This lesson: Lamb of God Anchored in OT, Isa. 53:1-7 Carried into NT, Jn. 1:29-36 Innocent sacrifice Remove sins
OT History of Blood Sacrifice The Anointed One Lamb of God OT History of Blood Sacrifice Lamb In The NT
Commanded of Cain & Abel Gen. 4:3-5; Heb. 11:4 The Anointed One Lamb of God OT: Blood Sacrifice Commanded of Cain & Abel Gen. 4:3-5; Heb. 11:4 Cain: vegetables – rejected Abel: animal – accepted
Abraham offered animal sacrifices Gen. 15:4-17 The Anointed One Lamb of God OT: Blood Sacrifice Abraham offered animal sacrifices Gen. 15:4-17 Promise made Offering required Offering accepted
Blood used to sanctify people & Law Ex. 24:1-8 The Anointed One Lamb of God OT: Blood Sacrifice Blood used to sanctify people & Law Ex. 24:1-8 Word delivered Ratified, Heb. 9:18-21
Blood required for atonement Lev. 17:11 The Anointed One Lamb of God OT: Blood Sacrifice Blood required for atonement Lev. 17:11 At-one-ment “to cover…figuratively, to expiate or condone, to placate, pacify, pardon, purge (away), put off,…reconcile…” (Strong’s)
Blood required for atonement Lev. 17:11 The Anointed One Lamb of God OT: Blood Sacrifice Blood required for atonement Lev. 17:11 Various offerings Burnt offering, Lev. 1:2-4 Sin offering, Lev. 4:20 Trespass offering, Lev. 5:10
Blood required for atonement Lev. 17:11 The Anointed One Lamb of God OT: Blood Sacrifice Blood required for atonement Lev. 17:11 Day of atonement, Lev. 16:29, 30 High priest, Lev. 16:11 Holy place, Lev. 16:16 Altar, Lev. 16:18 All people, Lev. 16:21-30
The Anointed One Lamb of God NT Lamb Blood of New Covenant Mt. 26:28 Different from Old, Heb. 8:6 Dedicated with His blood, Heb. 9:11-22 For all faithful, Heb. 9:15 For all sins, 1 Cor. 6:9-11
His blood brings us into covenant The Anointed One Lamb of God NT Lamb His blood brings us into covenant OT: born into covenant – taught NT: taught – born into covenant, 1 Pt. 1:22, 23; Heb. 10:22 Sprinkled with blood, Heb. 12:24 Washed in water – baptism
What the blood of Christ does The Anointed One Lamb of God NT Lamb What the blood of Christ does Sanctifies, Heb. 13:12 Cleanses, 1 Jn. 1:7 Washes, Rev. 1:5 Redeems, 1 Pt. 1:18, 19 Reconciliation, Col. 1:20 Draws near, Eph. 2:13 Justifies, Rom. 5:9 Purchases, Acts 20:28
We need the blood of Christ The Anointed One Lamb of God NT Lamb We need the blood of Christ Accept it, Rom. 6:3, 4 Commune in it, 1 Cor. 10:16 Not reject it, Heb. 10:28-31
Jesus is described in various ways The Anointed One Lamb of God Jesus is described in various ways Messiah, Jn. 1:41 Savior, Lk. 2:11 Son of God, Mt. 14:33 Apostle & High Priest, Heb. 3:1 Lion of Judah, Rev. 5:5
This lesson: Lamb of God The Anointed One Lamb of God This lesson: Lamb of God Anchored in OT, Isa. 53:1-7 Carried into NT, Jn. 1:29-36 Innocent sacrifice Remove sins