Current Needs and Practices? Question Textbook or Printed Testbank Online Systems Printed Test or Homework Laptop/Desktop/PDA Book or Printed Testbank Printed Test or Homework CD Internet, online using browser OR via web services using client/desktop version of PEGASUS Laptop or Desktop PDA, Palm, Blackberry, PocketPC, Cellular Phone Classroom Locally Installed Server (internet or intranet) Course Management Institutions CD/DVD Assessment Aggregators Classroom LCMS Databases Library Archives
Publisher Requirements? Standard way to express and manage rights across different channels and systems Who: Identity, Role, Group Member, Department Where: PC, Online, PDA, Classroom, Course Management, Assessment, LCMS, Library, Search, Aggregator When: Date, Time, Context, IF…, What: Discover, Preview, Annotate, Edit, Play, Track, Report, Copy, Move, Delete, Archive
Strategies, Collaboration, Activities? Facilitate work on gathering, analysis, and documenting of community requirements Facilitate work on establishing what existing standards satisfy community requirements Facilitate work on any new standards, or existing standard extensions needed Facilitate compliance