PIXEL Project Status John Arthur Photon Instrumentation for X-ray Experiments at LCLS
Boundary conditions that define the PIXEL project LCLS construction schedule DOE funding profile LCLS science thrusts endorsed by SAC Organization of the PIXEL project Org chart Phased approach Straw man schedule
LCLS Construction Schedule NEH beneficial occupancy June 2007 FEH beneficial occupancy September 2007 First electrons through undulator December 2008 (maybe June) Begin LCLS operations phase April 2009
PIXEL possible funding profile $millions Total = $50M-$60M
The LCLS Science Thrust Areas Coherent scattering at the nanoscale (XPCS) Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Science Pump/probe diffraction dynamics Pump/probe high-energy-density (HED) science Nano-particle and single-molecule (non-periodic) imaging
BES approach to the Thrust Areas AMO science will be included in LCLS construction project HED science deemed to be outside the mission of BES
Proposed PIXEL Scope Build instruments that address the 3 remaining Thrust Areas within BES mission Include one additional instrument, for soft-x-ray coherent imaging of magnetic domains (also endorsed by SAC) Include HED Science if outside (non-BES) funding can be found
DOE BES project requirements Not a line-item in the DOE budget Can include construction funding and R&D funding Must build distinct instruments, separate from what LCLS builds All new rules for BES project management apply PIXEL will be what is called a “major item of equipment” (MIE)
PIXEL organization Keith Hodgson LCLS Science Teams Jerry Hastings SSRL Director PIXEL organization LCLS Science Teams Jerry Hastings SSRL Asst. Dir for LCLS Science John Arthur PIXEL Project Director TBD PIXEL Project Chief Engineer Budget ES&H PMCS Database Purchasing Administration Inst #1 Instrument Scientist Engineering & Development 4-5 Engineers 2-3 Designers Inst #2 Instrument Scientist Inst #3 Instrument Scientist Inst #4 Instrument Scientist
Why a phased approach is needed Each instrument costs $12M-$15M Funding profile provides ~$22M maximum by end of FY08 However, $50M-$60M can be expected by ~2012
What will $12M-$15M buy? Controls (including laser timing)+Computers Slits Flight path Valves/windows/pumps KB focusing system (1 µm and sub-µm options) X-ray pulse split+delay with table Crystal monochromator with table Diffractometer with table Optical table for laser Laser PPS Laser system (10 mJ Ti:sapphire plus OPA) Laser diagnostics X-ray diagnostics 2d detector Typical PIXEL “instrument” + PEOPLE
The phased approach Build two instruments in Phase 1, plus a prototype 2d detector Have Phase 1 close to completion by first light (summer 2008) Finish Phase 1 by April 2009 (begin LCLS operations phase) Roll Phase 1 science resources onto LCLS ops in 2009 Begin Phase 2 in 2009, hire additional scientists Phase 2 includes two instruments plus additional detectors Finish Phase 2 in 2012
Proposed Project Milestones CD0 (Statement of mission need, beginning of project) 6-05 CD1 (Completion of conceptual design) 6-06 CD2a (Baseline costs of Phase 1) 12-06 CD3a (Begin construction of Phase 1) 6-07 CD4a (Finish Phase 1) 4-09 CD4b (Finish Phase 2) 9-12
A Straw Man
Near Experimental Hall 2008-9 Soft X-ray Station AMO Physics (funded by LCLS) Hard X-ray Imaging Station Coherent imaging (funded by PIXEL) Extreme states of matter (funding?) Hard X-ray Diffraction Station Pump-probe dynamics (funded by PIXEL) XPCS (funded by PIXEL) Green applications do not have full capability, but can do preliminary experiments Far Experimental Hall
Near Experimental Hall by 2012 Soft X-ray Station AMO Physics Magnetic imaging Hard X-ray Imaging Station Coherent imaging Hard X-ray Diffraction Station Pump-probe dynamics Hard X-ray Diffraction Station XPCS Hard X-ray Station Extreme states of matter (assumes funding found) Far Experimental Hall
The funding profile constraints on the PIXEL project, along with the LCLS schedule, seem to indicate that a phased approach is needed Two instruments in Phase1, two in Phase2, along with a detector development program Funding for this project is lean, especially in the first years Strong support from the Science Teams will be needed Summary