Lesson 2: HIV and other STIs – Evaluating Risks


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 2: HIV and other STIs – Evaluating Risks Reproductive Health Unit Mr. Ernstes Milwood Magnet School

HIV Other Consequences? What is it? How is it Diagnosed? Immune system becomes destroyed, often death due to not being able to fight off sickness How is it Diagnosed? Blood test Treatment/Cure? No Cure – Treatment is healthy diet, drug cocktails, avoid risky situations/behaviors How can it be Avoided? Avoid sexual contact and blood to blood contact Risk can be reduced by using a latex condom. What is it? Virus that destroys the immune system (WBC) How is it Transmitted? Sexual contact, blood-to-blood contact, infected mother to baby What are Symptoms? Person shows no symptoms until many years later and begin to get sick more often

Genital Warts Other Consequences? How is it Diagnosed? What is it? Increase in size and number, can pass to baby, associated with various cancers. How is it Diagnosed? Only diagnosed by a doctor examination Treatment/Cure? Cannot be cured. Warts can be removed but often return Will always have the virus How can it be Avoided? Avoid sexual contact and practice abstinence. Condoms are not always effective in prevention What is it? A virus that causes warts on infected area (genitals, rectum, or throat) How is it Transmitted? Sexual Contact with an infected person (warts do not have to be present) What are Symptoms? Genital warts, itching, burning

Chlamydia Other Consequences? What is it? How is it Diagnosed? Untreated infections can damage reproductive organs and urinary organs – may lead to sterility in both males and females How is it Diagnosed? Only by a doctor examination Treatment/Cure? Can be cured with antibiotics from a doctor. Can be re-infected. How can it be Avoided? Abstinence from sexual contact Risk can be reduced by using a latex condom. What is it? Bacterial infection – is most common STD in U.S. How is it Transmitted? Sexual Contact, and infected mother to baby during birth What are Symptoms? 80% women and 10% men show NO symptoms Women – vaginal discharge, bleeding, pain in abdomen, pain during urination Men – burning/pain during urination, watery drip from penis, pain in testicles.

Herpes Other Consequences? Can be passed from mother to baby leading to brain damage if baby is not treated How is it Diagnosed? Doctor examination Treatment/Cure? Cannot be cured – is lifelong. Sores may be treated but often will return later How can it be Avoided? Abstinence from sexual contact with infected person. Condoms are not always effective in prevention What is it? Virus that causes small, painful blisters Different kinds of herpes virus (simplex I & II) How is it Transmitted? Sexual contact, contact with infected area, mother to baby during birth What are Symptoms? Flu-like symptoms like fever, swollen glands, feeling tired, aching muscles. Small, painful blisters. Itching and burning. Often are no symptoms

Gonorrhea Other Consequences? What is it? How is it Diagnosed? Untreated can cause damage to reproductive organs – may cause sterility Passed to baby can cause blindness. How is it Diagnosed? Doctor Examination Treatment/Cure? Can be cured with antibiotics from a doctor Can be re-infected again How can it be Avoided? Abstinence from sexual contact Can reduce risk by using a latex condom What is it? Bacterial infection How is it Transmitted? Sexual contact, mother to baby What are Symptoms? Not everyone has symptoms Women – yellow or white vaginal discharge, pain during urination, pain and cramps in abdomen Men – yellow or white discharge from penis, pain during urination Throat – strep throat like symptoms. Rectal – pain and bleeding

Hepatitis B Other Consequences? How is it Diagnosed? Treatment/Cure? Liver cancer and even death How is it Diagnosed? Blood test by doctor Treatment/Cure? No specific medicine for Hepatitis B Treatment is rest and care during healing. Never lose the virus – people become carriers How can it be Avoided? Abstinence from sexual contact Avoid blood-to-blood contact Vaccination What is it? Virus that causes liver infections How is it Transmitted? Sexual contact, blood-to-blood contact, human bites, mother to baby What are Symptoms? Headache, tiredness, nausea, vomiting, fever, pain in abdomen and joints, dark urine, jaundice (yellow skin tone).

Syphilis Other Consequences? If untreated – organ damage, birth defects to baby How is it Diagnosed? Doctor exam and a blood test Treatment/Cure? Can be cured with antibiotics Can be re-infected How can it be Avoided? Abstinence from sexual contact Reduce risk by using a latex condom Syphilis What is it? Bacterial infection How is it Transmitted? Sexual contact, contact with open sores, mother to baby What are Symptoms? 1st stage – painless sores called a chancre. Sores will go away after a couple weeks. 2nd stage – flu-like symptoms, rash, hair loss. Again, symptoms go away in couple of weeks. 3rd stage – major organ damage including heart, brain, blindness, and death.

Trichomoniasis Other Consequences? How is it Diagnosed? What is it? Pain during intercourse, vaginal irritation How is it Diagnosed? Doctor examination and test of discharge Treatment/Cure? Can be cured with antibiotics from a doctor Can be re-infected How can it be Avoided? Abstinence from sexual contact Reduce risk by using a latex condom What is it? Caused by parasite How is it Transmitted? Sexual contact, wet towels and clothes, contact with toilet seats What are Symptoms? Women – milky, foul-smelling vaginal discharge. Men – milky discharge from penis or no symptoms at all