Overview of state of play of reporting under Bathing Water Directive Event/ date: WG D, 26 September 2012, Brussels Author: Lidija Globevnik
Reporting and assessment in 2011 Reporting Assessment 16 MS are assessed under new Bathing Water Directive compared to three in 2010 (LU, MT, HU). 8 MS are assessed under transition period rules* (AT, BG, FR, IE, IT, NL, PL, SI) + three non-EU countries (CH, HR, ME) (*: reporting under new BWD, assessment according to limit values of old BWD until 4-year data set is available under new BWD). Only three MS are still assessed under old Bathing Water Directive (CZ, RO and UK). From the 2012 season reporting under the new Bathing Water Directive will become obligatory. There is a good mutual assistance between MS and EEA-ETC/ICM in preparation of national reports. Besides checking national assessments, MS are active in giving comments on assessment rules, asking questions on specific issues to reach common understanding. Event/ date: WG D, 26 September 2012, Brussels Author: Lidija Globevnik
Bathing water quality results in 2011 Some 93.1 % of coastal and 89.9 % of inland bathing waters in EU achieved at least sufficient quality or complied with the mandatory values (an increase of 1.0 % and a decrease of 0.3 % compared to 2010). Some 80.1 % of coastal and 70.4 % of inland bathing waters in EU complied with the more stringent guide values or achieved excellent quality (an increase of 0.6 % and 9.9 % compared to 2010). Results as published in EEA report in May 2012 Event/ date: WG D, 26 September 2012, Brussels Author: Lidija Globevnik
Bathing water quality interactive maps and data The Eye On Earth – WaterWatch application WISE Bathing Water Quality data viewer http://eyeonearth.org/map/WaterWatch/ WISE map viewer http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/water/status-and-monitoring/state-of-bathing-water/bathing-water-data-viewer http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/water/interactive/bathing/state-of-bathing-waters Event/ date: WG D, 26 September 2012, Brussels Author: Lidija Globevnik