What is the solar system made up of?
The Sun
The Planets
The Planets’ moons
Let us learn about our planets!
Mercury A day on Mercury lasts about 59 Earth’s days. Mercury is the first planet from the sun in the solar system. A day on Mercury lasts about 59 Earth’s days.
Venus Venus is often visible in the morning and evening sky. Venus is the second planet, after Mercury. Venus is often visible in the morning and evening sky. It is called Earth’s twin, because of its similar size.
Earth It’s the planet we live on A day on Earth is for 24 hours. Earth is the third planet from the sun. It’s the planet we live on A day on Earth is for 24 hours. Earth is the only planet that has life.
Mars Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Mars is often visible as a reddish light in Earth’s sky. Mars has some geological facts similar to Earth, like volcanoes and canyons.
Jupiter Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter could hold more than 1,200 Earths. It has dozens of moons. Jupiter is mostly a giant ball of gas and liquid.
Saturn Saturn in the sixth planet from the sun. When Galileo was the first person to look at Saturn through a telescope in 1610, he saw strange ear-like shapes at the sides of the planet. It is surrounded by a ring of dust.
Uranus Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun. Uranus is a ball of gas and liquid. It also has a ring of dust around it.
Neptune Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun. It was first observed in 1846. Neptune take 165 Earth years to complete one orbit of the sun.
Pluto Pluto is the last planet in the solar system. It was discovered in 1930. It takes Pluto 248 years to orbit the sun.
Poor Pluto! In 2006, Pluto was called a dwarf planet, because it is very small compared to the other planets.