Jessi Blaszczyk Jennifer Milliron Haley Outcalt Texting and Driving
DID YOU KNOW? 82% of 16-17 year olds own cell phones 34% admit to texting & driving 77% of teens believe they are confident while texting/driving Teens who text/drive spend approx. 10% of their time outside of their lane! 23% of auto collisions involved cell phones in 2011 (Online Schools, 2015)
DEMOGRAPHICS Adolescents and Teens age 10-19 make up 14.5% of the US population 54% live in the suburbs, 27% in rural areas and 19% in central cities Motor Vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for children ages 10-24 75% of teens (12-17) own their own cell phones 54% text friends daily 1/3 of teens send over 100 texts daily (Botwinick & Schantz, 2010)
THE PLEDGE AGAINST TEXTING AND DRIVING This program will educate teens ages 15-19 years old at various schools The age group is chosen because it provides education to soon to be drivers and present drivers. Cell phone use is very important to this age group School systems are easy to access and promote the anti- texting/driving pledge
PLAN OF ACTION The program will involve a seminar presented to students. Presentation: Fun,colorful images Alarming statistics Videos of accidents and testimonials from past teens who used to text & drive Parents invited to join seminars Preventatives like joining the anti-text pledge
SETTING Seminar held at local schools Ask school system to get involved and require students to attend an allotted time Speakers Projector screen presentation Time for open conversation
EVALUATION Pre & Post Surveys Surveys will compare texting and driving before and after seminar. Pre-Assessment Survey Demographic Questions Driving Habits Cell Phone Questions Texting While Driving Self-Assessment and other media influencers Post Seminar Survey Did the teen text while driving