HOW? YOU can help reach children throughout the world for Jesus Christ! HOW?
What is the Adopt-a-Club Sponsorship Program? Gets YOU involved! To reach kids like you! So they can come to: Know Love Serve Christ This sponsorship program is a way to engage with sponsors to equip international leaders to start new clubs and maintain them in a self-sustaining way in order to train children to know, love and serve Jesus. Engages with sponsors to equip international leaders to start and maintain clubs that train children to know, love and serve Christ Engages you! 2. To Train and Equip leaders worldwide 3. To start and maintain clubs 4. So children can come to know, love and serve Christ.
Growth of Awana - AAC Yellow – New AAC Clubs Blue – Traditional Clubs 1. In the last 24 years, Awana shared the gospel with 200,000 kids using the traditional AAC model. Since 2007, using the new Adopt-a-Club model, we’ve been able to more than double the number of kids being reached with the gospel through Awana!
How can I get involved? You can be SPONSORED by a church family for $5.00 In (Date) you can INVEST this $5.00 so you can double, triple or quadruple it. In (Date) you will BRING BACK the $5.00 plus what you have made through your investment. It will go towards REACHING KIDS for Jesus thru Awana! If you need $5.00 to help you get started, our church family here at VCOB has already sponsored YOU for this amount! Your mom or dad can pick it up next week during club, as we’re having parent night that night! You’ll have the entire month of October to raise funds with or without the $5.00. What you decide to do may not require money to invest up front. Do you think you each can raise $20.00 in a month? In November you will bring the money you’ve earned. 4. These kids will hear about Jesus just like you do through Awana! They’ll learn verses, have game time and large group time too!
What is the potential amount that our T&T club can raise in (month)? 40 Church Sponsors X $5.00 = $200.00 40 T&T Clubbers X $10.00 = $400.00 40 T&T Clubbers X $15.00 = $600.00 40 T&T Clubbers X $20.00 = $800.00 WHAT GOAL CAN WE AS A CLUB SET? OK, we’ll already have what our church body has given, now what goal can we set as a club? How many can earn $10.00? How many can earn $15.00? How many can earn $20.00? Maybe more? I know some have earned as much as $80-115 from last year so it can be done!
How do I start? This week – Make a plan! (Date) – $5.00 distributed (Month) – Double, triple or quadruple (Month) – Bring your earned dollars to club Think about how you’re going to invest your $5.00 in October or earn dollars during that month for AAC! Set a goal! Talk about it in your handbook group-brainstorm, TALK ABOUT IT WITH YOUR PARENTS!!!! (Date) – The $5.00 will be distributed to you (via your parents) if you choose – Parent Night! (Date) – Work your plan and work towards your goal. (Date) – Bring your earned dollars back to club!
IN (month) You get to VOTE! Pick an area of the world Africa – South Asia – S. America – Pacific Rim 1 vote for each $5.00 you turn in Everyone gets at least one vote!
Why are we doing this? Learn stewardship! Make a difference! Become missions minded! You are learning to be a good steward of the $5.00 a family/individual at Village Church is entrusting to each of you! So you know that you CAN make a difference in another child’s life in another country! Understand the importance of being involved in missions around the world! We have been blessed here in the U.S.!
Let’s brainstorm on how you can earn $5, $10, $15 or even $20! How can I invest the $5.00? Let’s brainstorm on how you can earn $5, $10, $15 or even $20! I’m going to give you some instructions now. Do not move until I tell you to! 1) Your leaders are going to a different area of the room right now. I want each of your handbook groups to brainstorm right now as to how you can individually or collectively raise money in October for AAC! 2) For the next XX minutes, your leader will write down your ideas and we’re going to share those ideas with everyone. Miss Debbie is going to write down your ideas on the white board. 3) When we’re done we’re going to pray together for this next month, that God will bless your efforts and that you will see the importance of joining in on this AAC project! OK – NOW, first look around and find your leader – no talking please! Quickly go to your leader and start brainstorming.