Sylvia Barova Unit B.3 – Nature DG Environment, European Commission


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Presentation transcript:

European Species Action Plans for species covered by the Habitats Directive Sylvia Barova Unit B.3 – Nature DG Environment, European Commission Habitats Committee, 04 October 2012 Brussels

Target 1 of the Biodiversity Strategy: European Species Action Plans for species covered by the Habitats Directive Why EU SAPs? Target 1 of the Biodiversity Strategy: By 2020, 50% more species assessments under the Habitats Directive show favourable or improved conservation status EU SAPs can make an important contribution: Gather best expertise available Define well focused priority conservation actions Identify responsibilities Identify resources needed

European Species Action Plans for species covered by the Habitats Directive Why EU SAPs? Common conservation tool at regional, national, international level Address species needs within the full EU range of distribution Produced in participatory way (conservationists, scientists, stakeholders, authorities) Set agreed conservation objectives and framework of actions Useful information to be used in the context of other policies (integration) Support to stakeholders and Member States' efforts at regional/national level

Background information European Species Action Plans for species covered by the Habitats Directive Background information In 2009 the Habitats Committee adopted: Methodology for the preparation Criteria for species selection Short list of 36 species Three species were selected for initial SAP development: - Colias myrmidone and Alytes obstretricans (both in 2009) and - Spermophilus citellus in 2010. EU Non bird Species Action Plans Information presented at the Habitats Committee on 26th September 2011 Background On 13th February 2009 the Habitats Committee adopted a methodology for the preparation of non-bird EU Species Action Plans and criteria for species selection. A short list of 36 species was presented, three of which were selected for initial SAP development: Colias myrmidone and Alytes obstretricans (both in 2009) and Spermophilus citellus in 2010. Progress to date A first draft of the proposed format for the first two SAPs was consulted with Member States in spring 2009. Each country was asked to nominate experts to be involved in the preparation. The first drafts of the Alytes obstetricans and Colias myrmidone action plans were prepared by the Commission consultant and 5 rounds of consultations with experts were carried out. For each species a dedicated workshop with national experts was held. The Alytes obstetricans workshop took place in Penalara Natural Park (Rascafría, Madrid) and for Colias myrmidone - in Prague. Final drafts of the SAPs have been submitted to the Commission. They will now be uploaded on CIRCA for any final comments by MS and after that the final documents will be uploaded on DG ENV website. Future work Before moving on with the preparation of further SAPs the Commission would like to reconsider this activity in the light of the following issues: - A methodological review of the species action planning process for birds is ongoing (results expected in early 2012); the Commission expects to make use of the lessons learned and optionally apply them to non-bird taxa; - resource limitations both at Commission and MS level (e.g. The Nature Unit is experiencing shortage of resources; the nominated MS experts have worked on a voluntary basis, and therefore were unable to dedicate full attention to the preparation of the plan.) Consequently the Commission, while acknowledging the importance of non-bird SAPs, under the current circumstances considers it would be more appropriate to improve the approach and find the best way to continue before new plans are undertaken. Provisionally the Commission intends to include an item on non bird species in the agenda of the next Habitats Committee. The objective would be to discuss with MS their usefulness in view of improving the preparatory process of the action plans, as well as their implementation.

First two European SAP are now finalised available on DG ENV website European Species Action Plans for species covered by the Habitats Directive First two European SAP are now finalised available on DG ENV website Following the discussion at the meeting of the Habitats Committee of 26th of September 2012, we herewith would like to inform you that after taking into account the final comments from the Member States the first two European Species Action Plans - for Common midwife toad (Alytes obstetricans) and Danube clouded yellow (Colias myrmidone) are now finalised and will be uploaded on the DG ENV website

European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) European Species Action Plans for species covered by the Habitats Directive European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) The elaboration of the EU Action Plan has already started Provisional timeframe Nomination of MS experts 15th of May 2012 Structured questionnaire sent to the national experts and collection of information from other sources May 2012 1st draft based prepared and sent to national experts end of August 2012 Consultations until end of September 2012 Workshop with experts October 2012 Final Draft December 2012

It’s time to reflect and improve European Species Action Plans for species covered by the Habitats Directive It’s time to reflect and improve Stage of elaboration Selection process of the species: to focus on priorities Co-ordination with other organizations dealing with SAPs: to make the best use of available resources Ownership by stakeholders: to involve all concerned actors Indicators for monitoring of the implementation of SAPs: Integration of measures in other policies: to reach all concerned actors

It is time to reflect and improve European Species Action Plans for species covered by the Habitats Directive It is time to reflect and improve Stage of implementation Increasing the awareness about their existence Each plan to have a “guardian” Monitoring of implementation through easily verifiable indicators Regular exchange of information among concerned MS, organisations and feedback to stakeholders Establishment of web-platform As far as possible making the bridge with the on-going biogeographical process (integration of conservation actions) Exploration of potential funding opportunities within the existing EU funds

Thank you for your attention!