Philosophy with Friends Audrey Hutchinson, Amanda Butler, Alison Thoirs and Dean Armstrong
Background Philosophy with Children (PwC) was developed in the USA by Matthew Lipman to support children to collaborate in their search for meaning and understanding. Catherine McCall took Lipman’s ideas forward and developed an approach she called a Community of Philosophical Inquiry or COPI. Philosophy with Friends is a pilot project being developed by Leaders of Early Learning ,who have had some training in developing philosophical discussion with children, in partnership with selected ELCCs.
Philosophy and Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) There are clear links between Philosophy with Friends and the four capacities of the curriculum for excellence. It encourages children to give their own point of view, free from the fear of being wrong. It can raise self-esteem by promoting confidence, resilience and independence. It links with children’s rights, creativity, nurture.
Children’s rights
Creativity Education Scotland has defined creativity in the following way: “Creativity is a process which generates ideas that have value to the individual. It involves looking at familiar things with a fresh eye, examining problems with an open mind, making connections, learning from mistakes and using imagination to explore new possibilities.” (Education Scotland, 2013).
Aim The main aim is that children will build their confidence in expressing their opinion. Skills: Waiting for their turn. Asking questions. Agreeing and disagreeing. Giving their reasons.
The Philosophy with Friends model: All the children are in a circle The facilitator is on the outside of the circle There are specific rules which are shared and developed with the children Stories are used as a stimulus Children are encouraged to generate their questions about the story. The facilitator chooses the most philosophical question The Philosophy with Friends session begins….
Examples of stimuli