Language Arts: Friday, December 7, 2018 Handouts: * Grammar #33 (Special Adjectives That Compare) Homework: * Grammar #33 (Special Adjectives That Compare) [If you don’t finish in class, it is homework. ] * Study for Grammar Test #5 on Adjectives The test is this Thursday over lessons #30 – 33 Assignments due: * Grammar #32 (Adjectives That Compare)
Starter #1 Take out your comp book. Turn to the first blank page Starter #1 Take out your comp book. Turn to the first blank page. In the upper right hand corner, write the following: Fri., Dec. 7, 2018 QW #31: Making a Movie Did you know that almost all movies you see a the theater were popular stories or books before they became movies? (Harry Potter, Beauty and the Beast, Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, Chronicles of Narnia . . .) Think of one story you love that would make a great movie. Explain why you think that story would appeal to people as a movie. How would you pitch it to a movie producer to get him/her to make that story into a movie? Remember to write in complete sentences, avoiding fragments and run-ons. If you are not sure how to spell a certain word, just sound it out and circle it.
Lesson Goal: Learn about special adjectives that compare. Outcomes: Be able to . . . Identify special adjectives that are exceptions to the usual comparative and superlative forms. State five special adjectives and their comparative forms. State five special adjectives and their superlative forms. Apply the correct comparative adjective in any given sentence.
If the word has only one syllable . . . Add –er Starter #2: Yesterday we learned about adjectives that compare two or more nouns or pronouns. How you create a comparative form of an adjective depends on how many syllables the word has. If the word has only one syllable . . . Add –er Pedro is older than his brother Carlos. If the word has more than one syllable . . . Use the word “more” The long coat is more expensive than the short one. When an adjective compares more than two people or things, what do we call that form? Superlative How do you create the superlative form? Add –est Pedro is the oldest of the three Castino children. Use the word “most” The long coat is the most expensive of all.
Starter #3: Today we will learn about comparative and superlative forms that are exceptions to the forms we learned yesterday. For these words, you never use –er or –est. Nor would you use the words more or most with these words (but you might use more or most instead of that word). Here’s what those forms look like. . . . Adjective Comparative Superlative good better best bad worse worst much, many more most little (amount) less least Let’s see if we can apply the correct comparative and superlative forms for these exceptions.