Annual working time DSS 21 March 2012
Working time Two sources covering the entire economy National Accounts Labour Force Survey DSS 21 March 2012
Working time National Accounts - annual hours worked (volume of work) by professional status and NACE - methodologies applied in Member States: national_accounts/methodology/employment Labour Force Survey - hours usually/actually worked in the reference week by all other relevant LFS variables - explanatory notes + LFS methodology DSS 21 March 2012
Annual working time Headline measure for annual working time comes from national accounts (use of LFS input varies between countries) Annual working time can also be estimated purely on the basis of the LFS possibility of estimates for sub-groups of employed persons (e.g. men/women; full-time/part-time;) such estimates are currently not published on Eurostat’s website DSS 21 March 2012
Annual working time For some countries, there are significant differences between NA estimates and purely LFS-based estimates Working Groups and countries concerned - to look into this issue - to discuss the best way forward DSS 21 March 2012